Monday, June 17, 2019

Research Term Paper- Apple iPhone Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Research Term Paper- apple iPhone - Essay ExampleThe family was publicly listed on the stock telephone exchange in the year 1980 and is presently based in California USA (Datamonitor, 2006, p.6). Leadership One of the aspects that stand catapulted Apple into the league of top global brands is mayhap the leadership of the judicature. After suffering a setback in the later part of the 1990s the conjurer leadership of its CEO Steve Jobs helped turn the fortunes of the organization. The CEOs statement of placing an Apple at every desktop and his policy of continuous innovation helped the company emerge as one of the most successful brands of the world. The visionary leadership has motivated the employees as well as ensured a proper diffusion of innovation across the entire organization that is perhaps the most captious success factor of the company. Economic aspects Affecting Product Economic factors like growth of economy and level of disposable income have a direct race with th e deal of products like iPhones. High levels of disposable incomes imply greater demand for the product that is in turn again dependent on the state of sparing growth. In addition to this business cycles also affect the sale of the product. However with the global economies on resurgent mode and a surge in demand for application based phones, there is a good prospect for iPhones. In addition to developed markets emerging markets like India and China also hold extensive importance for the success of the product. Financial Analysis Apple Inc is a publicly listed company whose stocks are listed and actively traded on the bourses of the NASDAQ. The latest stock price was 376.99 US dollars (Apple, 2011). The company reported a net income of approximately 14013 million dollars. The company recorded revenues of 100.32 billion US dollars with a gross margin of 39.82 percent. The net income of the company after meeting all direct as well as indirect expenses stood at 23.6 billion dollars that was way ahead of its competitors namely Google or HP in the global market. The EPS value for its shares stood at 25.28 dollars that was marginally less than Google. The figure below depicts the financial standing of the company as well as a direct comparison with the most important competitors of the organization. Figure 1 Financials of Apple and Competitor Analysis (Source Yahoo Finance, 2011) Marketing Environment The marketing environment of Apple Inc is governed by both internal as well as external factors. Internal factors include employees, work culture as well as organizational culture that have a significant impact on the business aspects of the organization. The visionary leadership of the CEO of the organization ensures that innovation that is the core culture of the organization is effectively diffused across the entire organization. External environmental aspects include macro environmental aspects including political, economic, sociological, technological as well as legal aspects that have a significant effect on the business prospects of the product in the tough and competitive global business environment. The aspect of innovation has increasingly helped the

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