Saturday, August 31, 2019

Educational Reforms in Bhutan

The purpose of the article is to discuss the weaknesses of Bhutan’s educational reforms focusing on how the educational system is not able prepare the youth for the world of work. The author implicitly discusses two questions. The first question pertains to how the education reforms fail to provide the youth with better knowledge, skills and values to match employers’ needs. The second question relate to how the educational system should be reformed to address the employment challenge. The author has used descriptive method designed to provide rich descriptive details of education reforms in Bhutan between 1961 and 2008.This article is targeted at policy makers, educationalists and public. While the research design involved in-depth narrative analysis, it did not use scientific inquiry into the subject, especially the empirical analysis and hypothesis testing. Rather than making some sweeping statement, the author could have supported those statements with some empirica l analysis. However, the article can serve as the first step towards more rigorous research, as it identifies important factors leading to mismatch of education and employment in the country.The author begins by discussing the overall context of the education-employment mismatch in the country. The historical development of education system was discussed explaining the low enrolment rate in the beginning (1960s), positive change in the Bhutanese people’s attitude towards western education, and now the problem of enrolment pressure. He discusses (with figures) a growing difference in the quantitative expansion of educational facilities and the sharp rise in enrolment rate.The author also discussed about the growing number of school dropouts, entering the job markets unprepared to meet the needs and expectations of the public and private employers. He contrasts the unemployment problem in general with the shortage of workforce in the agriculture sector. The author does not ment ion about field research, interviews or literature reviews based on which he tried to answer his research questions. The analysis identifies six main factors of the high youth unemployment scenario in the country.These factors are inadequate education quality, limited diversity of educational tracks, mismatch between demand and supply of the youth, youth’s preference for civil service, reluctance to enter the private sector and negative attitude towards blue collar jobs. These factors are valid, but they are not consistent with the topic and research questions, that is, education reforms in Bhutan. By discussing these factors, the article is concerned more about the overall youth unemployment rather than focusing on the aspects of education system such as curriculum, pedagogy, infrastructure, quality, etc (the title seem to point out). Educational Reforms in Bhutan The purpose of the article is to discuss the weaknesses of Bhutan’s educational reforms focusing on how the educational system is not able prepare the youth for the world of work. The author implicitly discusses two questions. The first question pertains to how the education reforms fail to provide the youth with better knowledge, skills and values to match employers’ needs. The second question relate to how the educational system should be reformed to address the employment challenge. The author has used descriptive method designed to provide rich descriptive details of education reforms in Bhutan between 1961 and 2008.This article is targeted at policy makers, educationalists and public. While the research design involved in-depth narrative analysis, it did not use scientific inquiry into the subject, especially the empirical analysis and hypothesis testing. Rather than making some sweeping statement, the author could have supported those statements with some empirica l analysis. However, the article can serve as the first step towards more rigorous research, as it identifies important factors leading to mismatch of education and employment in the country.The author begins by discussing the overall context of the education-employment mismatch in the country. The historical development of education system was discussed explaining the low enrolment rate in the beginning (1960s), positive change in the Bhutanese people’s attitude towards western education, and now the problem of enrolment pressure. He discusses (with figures) a growing difference in the quantitative expansion of educational facilities and the sharp rise in enrolment rate.The author also discussed about the growing number of school dropouts, entering the job markets unprepared to meet the needs and expectations of the public and private employers. He contrasts the unemployment problem in general with the shortage of workforce in the agriculture sector. The author does not ment ion about field research, interviews or literature reviews based on which he tried to answer his research questions. The analysis identifies six main factors of the high youth unemployment scenario in the country.These factors are inadequate education quality, limited diversity of educational tracks, mismatch between demand and supply of the youth, youth’s preference for civil service, reluctance to enter the private sector and negative attitude towards blue collar jobs. These factors are valid, but they are not consistent with the topic and research questions, that is, education reforms in Bhutan. By discussing these factors, the article is concerned more about the overall youth unemployment rather than focusing on the aspects of education system such as curriculum, pedagogy, infrastructure, quality, etc (the title seem to point out).

Friday, August 30, 2019

Nutritional Considerations for Ice Hockey Athletes Essay

Nutrition is essential for one and all. Research has shown that optimal nutrition is critical for both physical and mental performance. Optimal nutrition means that which is neither excess nor deficient. Optimal nutrition has an important role in the performance of sportsmen. Nutrition is also important during practice and training sessions so that overtraining does not occur. The type of nutrition essential for each sport is different depending on the level of physical activity involved. Ice hockey is one of the high range sports which require high intensity training and also high intensity performance. This research explores the optimal nutrition requirement of ice hockey athletes. Energy requirements of ice hockey The human body expends energy in one of three ways: through the basal metabolic rate, through thermogenesis, or through physical activity. The basal metabolic rate is the minimum amount of energy expenditure required to carry on normal biological functions and reactions in the body, such as breathing, keeping the heart beating, and carrying out the process of waste management. It accounts for roughly 75% of the daily energy expenditure. Physical activity deals with energy expended during periods of exercise, and it accounts for around 18% of total energy expenditure. Dietary thermogenesis is the energy expenditure required for the digestion, absorption, and transportation of food. Some individuals expend more calories in thermogenesis than others, and this phenomenon accounts for the slight metabolic differences between obese and lean individuals. Dietary thermogenesis accounts for 7% of energy expenditure (â€Å"The Weight Loss Equation† 2004). While basal metabolic rate and dietary themogenesis remain almost same for all, physical activity varies from individual to individual and from one sport to another. Ice hockey is a fast-paced, physical team sport which is played on ice. The sport involves intermittent high intensity skating, rapid changes in duration and velocity and also frequent body contact (Montgomery, 1988). Typically, a player performs for about 15 to 20 minutes in a game which lasts for 60 minutes. Each shift lasts for about 30 to 80 seconds which is followed by a 4- 5 minute recovery time (Montgomery, 1988). Each shift is a high intensity burst demanding good muscle strength and power and also anaerobic endurance. Heart rates during a shift exceed 90% HR max. Blood lactate levels soar during the game proving that ice hockey is anaerobic in nature. Both anaerobic and aerobic systems of energy are important for performance in the game. When energy is derived after combustion of carbohydrates and fat in the presence of oxygen, it is known as aerobic metabolism. The by-products of such a metabolism are carbon-di-oxide and water which are disposed off through breathing and sweating. Aerobic metabolism comes into picture for energy expenditure during rest and low intensity exercises or physical activity. During this type of metabolism, energy is derived from glucose and fat in the presence of oxygen. The stored glycogen in the muscles is broken down to glucose which is further broken down using oxygen to create energy. When glycogen stores are depleted, fat metabolism is initiated for energy replenishment. Fat metabolism is a slow process and when this is used for energy, performance declines. As the intensity of physical activity progresses, energy begins to be derived from anaerobic metabolism where energy is produced from glycogen or sugar in the absence of oxygen. This is because higher intensities of exercise need more energy which cannot be supplied by aerobic metabolism. The change from aerobic metabolism to anaerobic metabolism is known as metabolism threshold. The waste products of anaerobic metabolism are pyruvic acid and lactic acid which cause fatigue and soreness in the muscles (Scott, 2005). Anaerobic exercise is much less efficient that aerobic exercise and hence requires lot of training. The first thing in a sport like ice hockey is to ensure that the player is consuming sufficient number of calories so that energy can be spent. Ice hockey involves intense training. Players of this sport expend atleast 600-1200kcals during workout. Hence ideal calorie requirements of these athletes are about 50- 80kcals/kg/day which amounts to 2500- 8000kcals/day for a 50-100kg weighing athlete. Some may even require 12,000kcals/day (Casa et al, 2000). According to the Canada Food Guide (qtd. in Bullard, 1978), essential components of food for any individual are proteins, fat and carbohydrates. These must be blended in such a way that they contain sufficient essential minerals and vitamins. There are four basic foods which make this possible. They are 2- 4 servings of milk or milk products like whole or 2% skim milk, butter milk, reconstituted evaporated or dry milk and cheese, 3- 5 servings of bread and cereals, 2 servings of meat and alternates like poultry, liver, fish, lean meat, cooked dried peas, nuts, beans or lentils, cheddar, cottage cheese, processed cheese and eggs, and 4- 5 servings of fruit and vegetables. This food can supply about 1000 to 1400 calories per day. Additional calories can be supplied by increasing the number or size of servings. Each individual has different needs of calories and nutrients based on the age, sex, size of body, daily activities and growth. For athletes, extra nutrition is essential not only to maintain body weight, but also to allow for exercise, training and competition. Consuming energy deficient diet leads to weight loss, muscle mass loss, physical symptoms, psychological symptoms of over training and also performance reduction. In females, eating disorders can develop (Krieder et al, 2002). Muscle strength Muscle strength is very essential for ice hockey playing because shifts involve intense body contact and high intensity and high speed skating. To develop adequate muscle strength, appropriate training is essential. Elements of strength training include hypertrophy, maximal strength, explosive power, strength endurance and periodization. Hypertrophy of muscles is essential in ice hockey players because the sport is involved with aggressive body contact. However, too much bulk is a hindrance and hence only optimal hypertrophy is aimed at (Tikkaja et al, 2003). Maximal strength is that force which can be generated by the athlete to the maximal level. Maximal strength is essential to generate explosive power during performance which is essential during shifts. Maximal strength training does not lead to hypertrophy of muscles (Hoff et al, 2002). Explosive power training involves training the athlete to contract muscles in a fast manner which is needed in shifts. Strength endurance is important in ice hockey because of the speed and high intensity burst that the sport demands. Periodisation allows sports-specific strength to peak at the right moment, i. e. the shift. For a good training program to run, a well designed diet must be there which meets the needs of energy intake and also incorporates appropriate timing of nutrients. Research has proven that a good diet helps in the adaptation of training and a bad diet impedes adaptation to training (Krieder et al, 2002) Hydration Water accounts for 73% of lean body mass. During any exercise, evaporation of sweat occurs as a method to regulate the core temperature of the body. The same is the case with ice hockey. Sweating causes loss of valuable fluids from the body which has only a finite reservoir of water. Hence if the lost fluids are not replaced in a timely manner, dehydration can result. Dehydration leading to 1-2% loss in body weight can compromise the physiologic function and thus affect performance (Casa et al, 2000). Once the loss of weight reaches 3%, exertional heat illnesses like heat exhaustion, heat cramps and heat stroke can occur (Casa et al, 2000). Dehydration during physical activity of sports is very common. Dehydration can develop within one hour of physical activity or even in a shorter duration of time. Dehydration can be minimized or even prevented by following proper dehydration prevention protocols (Casa et al, 2000). One of the indicators of hydration during exercise sessions is to check weight before, during and after the sessions. This is useful provided the players enter the exercise session fully hydrated. This form of monitoring for fluid loss is reliable and helps the player rehydrate in a timely manner. Another reliable method of monitoring hydration status is specific gravity checking of urine with a refractometer. Urine volume assessment and urine color comparison methods are less popular methods of hydration status assessment (Casa et al, 2000). According to the guidelines set by the National Athletic Trainer’s Association (Casa et al, 2000), an athlete must consume approximately 500- 600ml of water or sports drink 2- 3hours prior to practice session or game and about 200- 300ml of water or sports drink prior to onset of exercise. During the game or practice session fluids must be consumed to make up losses. This can be done by taking 200- 300ml every 10-20 minutes. After the exercise, rehydration must be done to replace losses during the session. Electrolytes must also be included in the fluids to speed rehydration. Usually cool fluids are recommended so that the player takes more fluid inside. Bad signs and symptoms of dehydration include irritability, thirst, general discomfort, headache, dizziness, chills, vomiting, nausea and decreased performance. Other dehydration signs include weariness, flushed skin, apathy and heat sensations on head and neck. Sodium chloride must be included in the fluid replacement beverage when there is inadequate access to meals. Modest amounts of sodium ranging between 0. 3- 0. 7g/L can offset salt loss which occurs in sweating. Ideal rehydration fluid An ideal rehydration fluid will consist of 60 grams of carbohydrate in 1 liter of fluid. This concentration of fluid will not hinder fluid absorption and at the same time will provide the required carbohydrate for refuelling (Casa et al, 2000). Role of proteins Proteins are very essential when heavy work is done for prolonged periods and also during periods of growth. May sportsmen are of the opinion that proteins are the primary sources of energy for muscles. However, this is not true because, when other substrates are available, protein is seldom used for derivation of energy. A well balanced diet will have sufficient protein for building of muscles and hence there is no justification for the use of expensive high-protein diets (Casa et al, 2000). High intense trainers like ice hockey players will need about 1. – 2g per kg per day of protein which is twice the RDA recommendation for general population. Insufficient protein intake can result in negative nitrogen balance which increases protein catabolism and slows recovery time. This can contribute to intolerance of training and loss of muscle mass. The type of protein consumed is also important. Best sources of protein include skinless chicken, egg white, skim milk and egg white (Krieder et al, 2004).. Role of fat Fat is very rich in calories. Each gram of fat when burnt, releases 9KCals. However, metabolic breakdown of fat utilizes more oxygen and thus maximum physical efficiency is not possible when a diet which is rich in fat is consumed. However, some amount of fat is essential for flavouring of food, reservation of energy stores and body insulation (Casa et al, 2000). The dietary recommendations for fat intake in athletes are similar to those recommended for non-athletes. For an athlete, it is essential to maintain energy balance, replenish intramuscular triacyl glycerol and also take essential fatty acids (Krieder et al, 2004). Role of carbohydrates During exercise, body uses 30-60 g of carbohydrates per hour. Ice hockey players will need 400-1500 grams of carbohydrate (50-150kg body weight) to maintain the glycogen levels of the muscle. Majority of the carbohydrate in the diet must come from complex carbohydrates which have low-to-moderate glycemic index. Some of such carbohydrates are starches, grains, maltodextrins and fruit. Since it is difficult to consume solid carbohydrate during intense training, experts recommend that carbohydrates may be taken in the form of concentrated carbohydrate juices and drinks (Krieder et al, 2004). Vitamins Vitamins are essential for energy synthesis, prevention of cell destruction, maintenance of neurological processes and regulation of metabolic processes. Basically there are 2 types of vitamins, the fat soluble and the non-fat soluble. Vitamins A, D,E and K are fat soluble and Vitamins B and C are water soluble (Krieder et al, 2004). Athletes need as much vitamins as non-athletes. There is no evidence to definitely prove that increased vitamin consumption increases performance.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Bear Minimum Essay Example for Free

Bear Minimum Essay The lease of a combustion turbine by Big Bear Power from Goliath Co includes three provisions that we must examine to determine whether they should be included in the â€Å"minimum lease payment† as defined in ASC 840. Provision 1 This provision involves Big Bear paying $500,000 to its external counsel, and $1 million of legal fees to Goliath Co. The $1 million fee to Goliath Co. should be included in the minimum lease payment. This is supported by 840-10-25-6 which states: Fees that are paid by the lessee to the owners of the special-purpose entity for structuring the lease transaction†¦shall be included as part of minimum lease payments. The $500,000 to its external counsel should not be included because it was not an obligatory cost for the lease. Provision 2 To determine if the penalty payment from a default would be included in the minimum lease payment, we look at ASC 840-10-25-14: [Default covenants related to nonperformance do not affect lease classification if all of the following conditions exist: a. The default covenant provision is customary in financing arrangements. b. The occurrence of the event of default is objectively determinable (for example, subjective acceleration clauses would not satisfy this condition). c. Predefined criteria, related solely to the lessee and its operations, have been established for the determination of the event of default. d. It is reasonable to assume, based on the facts and circumstances that exist at lease inception, that the event of default will not occur. In applying this condition, it is expected that entities would consider recent trends in the lessee’s operations. If any of those conditions do not exist, then the maximum amount that the lessee could be required to pay under the default covenant shall be included in minimum lease payments for purposes of applying paragraph 840-10-25-1] The first condition about the default covenant provision being customary does exist due to the note stating that â€Å"this is a customary provision in  leasing arrangements†. The company has positive cash flow and is in compliance with all its debt covenants, which supports Big Bear’s belief that the chance of default is low. Thus conditions 2 and 4 are met. Condition 3, which involves predetermined criteria in case of a default, does not seem to have been met. Since not all the conditions have been met, the default payment covenant shall be included in the minimum lease payment. Provision 3 This provision states that Big Bear’s rent of $1 million will increase by the same percentage increase in the CPI. The most recent annual increase in CPI was 4%. 840-10-25-4 states that â€Å"lease payments that depend on an existing index or sate, such as the CPI or prime interest rate, shall be included in minimum lease payments based on the index†. Therefore after the first year, the minimum lease payment will rise by $40,000 per year or $3,333.33 per month. Bear Minimum. (2016, Mar 04).

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Comparative study of earthquake disaster management in 2 countries of Essay

Comparative study of earthquake disaster management in 2 countries of Iran and Japan - Essay Example Iran could get a few pointers from the way Japan handles earthquake disasters. Foremost in the list is the means of predicting earthquakes. Due to Iran’s lack of apparent resources and technology, its prediction system is inaccurate and inefficient. Japan’s history with earthquakes coupled with its technological and financial prowess has greatly improved its early warning system. Mapping of critical areas and danger zones would be useful given Iran’s situation. City and building planning could also see Japan as an example. Iran’s relative poverty to Japan means it is harder to control city populations and habitat management. Life line resources particularly water should also be given priority particularly in Iran’s already arid climate. Japan has seen to it that rehabilitation of areas hit with earthquakes avoids mistakes that may have happened and intended to surpass post quake productivity and status. Rehabilitation of hit areas in Iran should sta rt as with Japan’s example, from planning, and then adequate construction methods. Japan’s emphasis on building design in relation to earthquakes has prevented maximum damage and improved safety during succeeding quakes. The emphasis on durable material as well as efficient building design has avoided additional casualties from fires and collapse. Japan’s forethought and analysis of events and factors regarding earthquakes as well as their systematic reaction to these factors have helped make Japan foremost in Earthquake management. Iran, facing the same threat would do well to learn from its Asian neighbor and attempt to adopt its protocols and procedures.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 4

Research - Essay Example In case of not completing specific developmental tasks, there are negative consequences for people. The lifespan can be divided into ‘infancy’, ‘early childhood’, ‘school age’, ‘adolescence’, ‘early adulthood’, ‘young adulthood’, ‘mid life’, ‘later maturity’, and ‘old age’. From prenatal age, human beings start undergoing stressful situations due to which, their cortisol levels get elevated resulting in death of certain brain cells. This death of cells brings disadvantageous results for the individual as he develops certain cognitive and mental disabilities. Later on, children start being defensive against stress by learning to cope up with stressful situations (Chen & Kottler, 2012). Different stages of lifespan offer different kinds of stressors for people with whom they fight in order to make themselves safe. In coping up with different kinds of stress during the li fetime, children gaining maturity by entering adolescence try to cope up with stress through the usage of drugs and alcoholism that is again damaging for their health. It is impossible for a human being to get never stressed or face different stressors. We have to undergo stressing situations on daily basis even before our birth. Some amount of stress is essential for our life continuity as it enables children to develop the capabilities to accept new and possible risky situations and to cope up with them throughout their lives. Children require assistance of parents and elders in order to handle stress physically as well as emotionally (Middlebrooks & Audage, 2008). However, when stress becomes severe or insidious, the advantageousness of acceptable amount of stress gets lost. Prolonged and chronic stress has short term as well as long term health hazards. The growth of brain, nervous system and the immunity system, all get dysfunctional because stress throughout the lifespan. The stress that

Monday, August 26, 2019

Carolina Pad and the Bloggers Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Carolina Pad and the Bloggers - Assignment Example According to the case, Carolina Pad received numerous requests from the internet bloggers for cash payments to exchange them for the product reviews. Unfortunately, the requests from bloggers were less than $1000, which are relatively small amounts according to her. The whole company believed that giving bloggers the task would offer them a significant return at a higher rate for their promotional budget, as compared to the traditional forms of advertising. Such idea is similar to many other companies of awarding bloggers the task to review their products, although Carolina Pad was not sure about their charges. However, this case is aimed at examining the ethical analogy of spending a lot of money in paying the bloggers to review the products. Moreover, the paper recommends the alternative actions that Carolina Pad should use instead of using bloggers to promote their products. Carolina Pad needed only to forecast for the seasonal demand for their products before selecting any form of promoting their products (Lawrence, p. 14-50). This is because the advertising method varies with a region or personal stores. The company also needed to adopt better planning to supply the big-box to bloggers the task, since the promotion depends on the target customer in order to be effective. In conclusion, in analyzing the ethical dilemma facing April Whitlock, I would recommend to first to conduct a research analysis for the target customers and using the fashion method of advertisements such as social media. This can be only achieved by forecasting the demand ration for every product before investing in promotional costs.

Biology Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Biology - Research Paper Example The genetic component occurs because of the combined effect of mutated genes. The environmental factor is the lack of vitamins particularly folate during early pregnancy. Checkpoints in a cell cycle are meant for the regulation for the proliferation of the cells. These checkpoints are basically present in the G1 and S phase of the cell cycle. The role of these checkpoints is to check for any DNA damage or other problem in the cell before proceeding in to the cell cycle. The reason behind this is to either correct the DNA damage or if it cannot be repaired to move the cell towards apoptosis. The tumor suppressor genes code for proteins which are involved in the repair of the damaged DNA in the cell cycle and initiation of apoptosis if the damaged DNA cannot be repaired to prevent the formation of abnormal cells. The proto-oncogenes act by stimulating the cell cycle by the formation of transcriptions factors which are responsible for the function of genes and by forming signal transducers which are responsible for the stimulus responsible for the initiation of the cell cycle. Signal transduction is involved in the passing of signals to the nucleus of the cell for essential processes which include replication and transcription. Signal transduction occurs by the binding of a molecule to a receptor which may be located on the cell membrane or within the cell. This molecule carries signals and activates the receptor and brings about changes in the cell by sending signals which may lead to transcription. Increased signal transduction can result from mutations in genes that code for systems involved in carrying out signal transduction. This can lead to cancer because if signal transduction increases, the cells replicate and transcribe at a higher rate and are not under the normal regulatory control. Children suffering from Down syndrome have very high chances of developing leukemia. Also patients who have leukemia along with Down syndrome have a

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Macro Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Macro - Essay Example The popular opinion among monetary economists is that the central banks should focus on inflation control as the basis for the creation of jobs as opposed to the reverse method of spurring job growth by decreasing borrowing costs. The article states the case for a dual mandate for banks in the control of inflation and the management of the unemployment levels. The article discusses two major underlying macroeconomic topics, inflation and unemployment. I agree with the popular opinion that the central banks should focus on controlling inflation as the means to controlling inflation as opposed to lowering the borrowing costs as a method of spurring employment and curbing inflation. The Federal Reserve does not have control over congress spending and as such it can only manage the inflationary effects on employment over the unemployment effect on inflation. However the Federal Reserve can also engage in small scale initiatives to reduce the level of unemployment. Appelbaum, Binyami. ‘Fed Responds to a Grim Reality’. New York Times. September 14, 2012. Web. November 7, 2012.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Nursing scholarship essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Nursing scholarship - Essay Example As far as my personal achievements are concerned, I have done some works, which I count as my achievements. I work for Accredo Health Group a specialty pharmacy. I work close with patients that are on long term therapy for Cancer such as breast cancer, multiple myeloma, advanced renal cell carcinoma, and colorectal cancer. I also help parents with premature babies who need the synergies injections for Respiratory Synical virus. I assist patients in terms of financial support making sure that they received their shipment on time. I have two children and I work full time I received 6 pace setter awards on my job (going over and beyond my duties) for outstanding debt collections and excellent customer service. I participated in â€Å"Who’s who† among college and university students in 2001. I took part in the Community Service Walk for the homeless. I volunteered to cook breakfast at the hope house. I helped in (silent auction) friends for life program. I served food for the homeless on Thanksgiving. I painted the recreation room for girls and boys and also I was a member of girl scouts. I have been teaching in a Sunday school every day for eight years. I am a member of NBNA and NSNA. I always donate whenever I have to make a wish. I consider all my efforts for the betterment of humanity as my achievements. I fulfill my responsibilities at my home and also study alone with managing my household. For me, a person should be ambitious in his/her life because life is nothing when it is aimless. I have always kept a professional goal of joining the profession of nursing and at each step of my education; I feel that I am getting closer to my profession. I care about people who are in physical problems and I want to help them out from their problems by whatever support, I can provide to them. I always try to participate in the programs that are commenced for the purpose of human welfare and whenever, I am able to help someone out from any trouble, which becomes a

Friday, August 23, 2019

Comparison between Policy Alternatives in the Company Assignment - 15

Comparison between Policy Alternatives in the Company - Assignment Example It is very important that at this point and time to understand the sentiments of the employees and not react on impulse decisions. Currently there are many issues facing the company. Company is going through a lot of changes, and to make the implementation of the changes through caution, steps related to change management are required to be taken. The issues that are being faced are: The only option other than taking the employees on board is to do massive hiring, which will be very costly for the company. Also, many people who could be beneficial for the company will shy away due to the company’s fear of massive layoffs. Technology implementation is a process that will require timeas it cannot be implemented in a snap and the policy makers have to be patient. Employees are an asset for any company. In todays world, creating a product that is unique is one thing but today the competition is not only on product basis but majorly upon the kind of employees that the company has. Employees need to be aboard if the company wants to remain successful (Cameron & Green, 2004). Implementing the Lewin change model is the best possible solution. In this case, the employees need to be told that technology is being implemented to benefit them, not to replace them. The new technological change must be discussed with them, and this process will be known as the unfreezing part. The employees should be told how with the use of technology they can get more tasks done in lesser time and how it is going to make their lives easier for them. A proper analysis should be conducted and the employees’ technical capabilities reviewed. A workshop divided into three levels must be conducted and each and every employee placed in the levels accordingly depending on their knowledge of the technology. This will help the management make decisions about the length of training that needs to be conducted.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Cultural and Teamwork Map and Self Reflection Essay Example for Free

Cultural and Teamwork Map and Self Reflection Essay 1. Introduction and Purpose Sharing of knowledge across the border is becoming very widespread phenomenon. Companies are well aware that hidden in their disperes, global operations is a treasure trove of ideas and capabilities for innovation(Wilson Doz, 2012). Therefore, working with multicultural groups is getting more and more common very rapidly since last decade. However, in global teams, team memebers have different feed back techniques, different uniqueness levels and different communication patterns. People belonging to different cultures have difference in values, geography, ethencity,belief system and lauguage. These difference can lead to cuture clash . In this paper I am writing about where I find myself in a cultural and team work map and my reflections about my placement thereon. I have judged myself with reference to my placement in high and low context  cultures, cultural paradigm , my preffered and performed roles in my team keeping in mind Belbin‘s team roles and my position in Johari window. Purpose of this assignmnet is to judge where I find myself right now in a cutural map in context of team work and to bring improvement in myself if I am away from the normal scale .The actual purpose of this assignment is to save me from cultural clash by giving a chance to get self-awareness and to make us conscious about behaving accordingly for future interactions. Just like these two rivers in the below mentioned picture are merging, people from different cultures should merge the same way. These two rivers have different native base but after merger nobody can find any clash between them. 2. Self-assessment Below mentioned is my self assessment and reflections thereon. 2.1 First impression My first impression on my team members was that I am trust worthy. When asked, they answered that they made this impression from my body laungauage and my tone of voice. I believe that my such impression was made because of my uniqueness levels i.e. personality culture and human natur. After practicaly working with them my group as well as me have assessed that I focused on working collectively as i believe collectivism is the key to group success. 2.2 Assessment with reference to Communication Patterns On the cultural map I find my self as the person who works better in the middle of high and low context. l worked more better after every next team meeting because in meetings we discussed our desired outcome by spoken words and I shared all my ideas and problems with my team. Secondly, I was not fully relying on what was shared among us through emails. But I cannot say that I am just a high conext person because, contrary to high context couumincation patterns, I wanted detailed information about the assignment and I used direct speech during the whole correspondance .It helped me to exchange ideas quickly . Looking further into communication pattern ,I find myself as a person who is more task oriented than people oreinted.I prefer to do work first.Relations are aligned after task completion. In gropu, I only talked about assignment till the work is finished. After submition of assignemnt I discussed my personal things and hobbies with them. My time orientation is ploy cronic. I was working on the assignment as well as I was seeing the others part also. More over, I was comparing my work with the wok done by other groups in the class. I kept on updating the absent team mebers about activities (relevent to assignment) conducted in class through a social network simultaneously. Hence I can say that my communication pattren is neither high context nor low context.Its somewhere in the middle of both. 2.3 Assessment regarding Placement in Belbin’s team roles My preferred team role is team worker. The reason of saying so is that I remain mild and gentle. I like to work in depth but I am not willing to work in pressure and tried to avoid working under stressful situations. I played the role of team worker in practical. We revised the work plans many times  initialy and I accepted that without much resistance which indicates that I am easy to be influenced. I remained mild and friendly. I worked on that part of assignment which required extensive out of the box research and long working hours. My second preference is the role of resource investigator. I always look to find smart opportunites or methods to get work done effectively, efficiently and economically. I performed the role of resource investigator in passive manner in the group. I was enthusiastic in suggesting my fellow colleagues which part of assignment should be done by whom. I also shared few articles with them.I guided one memeber about how he can do his part more accuratly. However I was little over optimistic because we spent alot more hours on assignment then i initially predicted. My third preference was to perform the role of Shaper because I am having tendencies to fit things into frame and strives to get the action start immediately. However I could not execute this role in my group as the assignment work was very dynamic and it was being revised too quickly. Secondly, one of my fellow colleagues was performing this role better than me. My third performed role was of finisher. I proof read the document many times, found the errors and gave ideas to team members to revise few workings. I was not willing to rely on other team members for final proof reading and I was worried for the acuracy of assignment. I focused to create a balance in three roles that I performed in group and tried to avoid overlapping. However team worker was the frequently performed role. 2.4 Johari Window The Johari Window, named after its inventors, Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham, is a model that provides a dynamic framework for understanding and improving self-awareness. Helping one to become more self-reflective, to learn about oneself, and to become more therapeutic is an exercise in self-awareness(South, 2007). In the context of Johari window, my arena (open area), has increased and I became aware of blind spots. Eventually my hidden areas are disclosed. During the group work, I experienced that my open arena has been gradually broadened and my blind spot has been subsequently decreased after every next working step. 3. Conclusion The combination of roles i.e. two from people oriented frame (resource investigator and team worker) and one from task oriented frame (shaper)  shows that I am not on any of extreme on cutural map. On the culture paradigm, I find myself on the middle, niether too weak nor too strong. I can infer that I am flexible, observant and non-judgmental. l Communicated respect and sake knowledge and understanding. I am in the last stage of confrontation and entring into adjustment phase. I am passing through W-model quickly because of level of education and support from family and network i.e. swede friends.In Johari’s window, my arena has broaden which indicates that I am more self aware after completion of group assignment. Bibliography Wilson, K. Doz, Y.L. (2012). 10 Rules for Managing Global Innovation. Harvard business review, 85 (10), 84-90. South, B. (2007). Combining mandala and the Johari Window: An exercise in self-awareness. Teaching Learning in Nursing,2 (1), 8.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Cause and Effect Essay Essay Example for Free

Cause and Effect Essay Essay In Act Four Scene One Friar Lawrence explains the plan to Juliet, â€Å" Take thou this vial, being then in bed, And this distilled liquor drink thou off, When presently through all thy veins shall run A cold and drowsy humor, for no pulse Shall keep his native progress, but surcease. No warmth, no breath shall testify thou livest. The roses in thy lips and cheeks shall fade To paly ashes, thy eyes windows fall Like death when he shuts up the day of life. Each part, deprived of supple government, Shall, stiff and stark and cold, appear like death. And in this borrowed likeness of shrunk death Thou shalt continue two and forty hours,And then awake as from a pleasant sleep. Now, when the bridegroom in the morning comes To rouse thee from thy bed, there art thou dead. Then, as the manner of our country is, In thy best robes uncovered on the bier Thou shalt be borne to that same ancient vault Where all the kindred of the Capulets lie. In the meantime, against thou shalt awake, Shall Romeo by my letters know our drift,And hither shall he come, and he and I Will watch thy waking, and that very night Shall Romeo bear thee hence to Mantua. In Act Four Scene One Friar Lawrence explains the plan to Juliet, â€Å" Take thou this vial, being then in bed, And this distilled liquor drink thou off, When presently through all thy veins shall run A cold and drowsy humor, for no pulse Shall keep his native progress, but surcease. No warmth, no breath shall testify thou livest. The roses in thy lips and cheeks shall fade To paly ashes, thy eyes windows fall Like death when he shuts up the day of life. Each part, deprived of supple government, Shall, stiff and stark and cold, appear like death. And in this borrowed likeness of shrunk death Thou shalt continue two and forty hours,And then awake as from a pleasant sleep. Now, when the bridegroom in the morning comes To rouse thee from thy bed, there art thou dead. Then, as the manner of our country is, In thy best robes uncovered on the bier Thou shalt be borne to that same ancient vault Where all the kindred of the Capulets lie. In the meantime, against thou shalt awake, Shall Romeo by my letters know our drift,And hither shall he come, and he and I Will watch thy waking, and that very night Shall Romeo bear thee hence to Mantua. †

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Notion Of Sameness

The Notion Of Sameness Give an argument for the claim that mental states are distinct from physical states. Explain the notion of sameness and explain why the argument is valid. Then explain a rebuttal an identity theorist could use to object to the argument. Distinct Mental Physical States The idea of the human mind has always been an important and difficult notion to describe in terms of a definition or set of conditions. The thoughts, beliefs, or desires seem to have a clear distinction from the tangible elements of an actual human brain. So distinct, that perhaps they should be considered two fundamentally different things. Utilizing a Dualism approach, it should logical to assume that discern that there are difference elements s within the human body mind; The tangible elements of the brain can be labeled as physical things/states in this case, and the thoughts, beliefs, desires, pain, or other nonphysical things as soul or mental states. Utilizing the notion of sameness (also referred to as Leibnizs law), this argument that physical and mental states are in fact distinct can be made valid. On the other hand, this issue of distinct separation versus identical substances is debatable as identity theorists that object may provide a rebuttal to this argument. The concept of dualism begins with the idea that in the universe, there exist physical and nonphysical/mental substances or things. At first glance, it seems fairly obvious that physical properties do not share the same features as mental properties. For example, mental properties of the mind such as thoughts and beliefs dont contain physical properties like weight, color, or shape. In addition, experiments have demonstrated that when a part of the brain is touched is electrocuted; it can cause mental sensations to occur, such as recalling a memory. Therefore this furthers the dualist argument that physical state of the brain and mental state of the mind are loosely connected and not identical. The notion of sameness (also referred to as Leibnizs law) provides the means by which a object or person can be justifiably, recognized as that certain object or person. There is a distinction that in this case, the notion of sameness is not numerical in the sense of same size, brand, or made of the same material, and that it must be qualitative with no degrees of sameness and that one thing must or must not be the same as another thing. Another way to explain this notion is that if A equals B, then A must share all and exactly the same properties as B. In other words, if A is truly the same as B, then what is true of A must also be true of B. Using this notion of sameness, the idea of a physical brain state and a mental or nonphysical state can be compared. For example, if John believes that he is in Davis, California can be determined to be true or false in obvious ways. However, his brain state of this believe cannot be analyzed and shown to be true or false. With these two premises: The mental state having the property of being true or false and the brain state not having this property, it can be concluded that mental states are not equal to or the same as brain/physical state and thus, the argument for dualism becomes valid. However, identity theorists disagree with the above statements and may provide a rebuttal to such arguments written above on the basis of different concepts underlying physical states. An identity theorist may argue that physical states contain 2 concepts: A pseudo-neurological concept that contains the physical elements of the brain such as neurons firing, chemical hormones within the brain and a mental state concept that contains the perceived as non-physical things such as pain, sadness, and hunger. To simply, imagine that Lois Lane is trying to establish the fact that Clark Kent is not Superman. She would make a list of properties that coincide with a Superman concept and a Clark Kent concept. She would then pick out a property from each list and maybe stating that Superman can fly and Clark Kent cant fly. In reality, the viewer understands that Superman and Clark Kent are the same person but believes Lois Lane to also be rational when introducing him as 2 separate concepts. This should be compared to the opposite case where an irrational statement would be to say that Superman can cannot fly because although he Clark Kent and Superman are the same person, it does not make sense to mix different concepts together. Through this type of argument, the identity theorist makes the claim that the physical and mental states should be treated as separate but simply as different concepts under a unifying and single physical state. As described by monist Keith Maslim, the dualist belief is that physical occurrences do not just appear to be different from consciousness; they are utterly different, so utterly different in fact, that it is inconceivable how the physical could produce the mental and therefore a distinct separation between mental and physical states. At first, the notion of sameness seems to provide create a clear distinction of the mental and physical states, but this notion is quickly refuted with the identity theorist argument that multiple concepts coexist within the unitary physical state. Again, this mind-body discussion is left with more room for debate, rather than a clear-cut answer that may never be fully properly grounded and supported.

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Human Need for Love in Mary Shelleys Frankenstein Essay -- Franke

The Human Need for Love Exposed in Frankenstein    Written in 1817 by Mary Shelley, Frankenstein is a novel about the "modern Prometheus", the Roman Titian who stole fire from the gods and gave it to man. The story takes place in several European countries during the late 1700's. It is the recollection of Victor Frankenstein to a ship captain about his life. Victor is a student of science and medicine who discovers a way to reanimate dead flesh. In a desire to create the perfect race he constructs a man more powerful than any normal human, but the creation is so deformed and hideous that Victor shuns it. The creation then spends a year wandering searching for companionship, but everywhere he goes he is shunned and feared. Hating life the creature turns its misery on its creator, killing off Victors family. Frankenstein chases the monster to the North Pole, in an attempt to kill it. Weakened by the cold and long chase, a dying Victor is taken aboard a ship, where he relates his tale to the captain and dies soon after. The next night the monster visits the ship and looks upon Victor's body, ashamed by all of the killing he has done the monster flees into the Arctic Ocean, never to be seen again. Frankenstein appears to be a novel about the evil ways of man, but it is truly about the human soul and how it needs friendship and love to survive. This theme is apparent from the opening letters from the ship captain to his sister in which the captain writes, "I have but one want which I have never yet been able to satisfy ... I have no friend" (Shelley 7). The captain is about to embark on his life's dream of sailing to the North Pole; he has a good crew and a fine ship but still wants a friend to share the excitement with. ... ...nd misery, because he killed all that he loved. It is at this moment that he realizes that he doesn't hate Frankenstein but actually loved him like a father, but was so consumed by self loathing and hate that he killed all he loved. With this passing thought the monster leaps from the ship into the ice filled sea, and is never seen again. At first it is seen as a story about man and the evils he can do, yet Frankenstein is actually about the friendship of the soul. Without this basic need the body either withers away and dies or turns to another source, like murder or drink, to fill the hole. Both fatalities can be seen in the story, with Victor's friendship and the monster's anger. Neither one fills the gap in their soul, but eventually consumes them until they die. Work Cited Shelley, Mary W. Frankenstein. Great Britain: J.M Dent & Sons LTD. 1959.

Psych. Essays :: essays research papers

ESSAY QUESTIONS 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  If I were to design a study to examine the effects of taking an online course, I would do a case study. I would find a subject and record their behavioral patterns during attendance at a university. I would observe course load, study habits, length of study time, quality of assignments and overall grades. I would then do the same with an online course, studying the same patterns and behaviors. 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Life is good. I am doing one of the activities that I most enjoy. I am taking a nice long walk in the woods. All of the sudden, a HUGE bear appears out of nowhere. This scary creature is standing 10 feet in front of me. He stops, glances at me as if debating whether to come close to me or not, and continues on. I should feel better with his departure. But fear has already taken hold. It must be some kind of spinal reflex. My sensory nerves kick in. They see the scary bear, and send the message of fear to my spinal cord, where they are then transmitted to my brain. Next, my motor nerves carry orders to my muscles, glands and other internal organs to actually react to what my sensory nerves say. This all happens in a matter of seconds†¦..and I flee, to scared to even look back. 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  According to Wade and Tarvis (Pg. 17-19) Psychology has five major theoretical perspectives that each makes their own altruistic contributions to psychology. The biological perspective, which studies the biological explanations of motivation, personality, social interaction, memory and psychological disorders. This approach is important in helping us understand the biological explanations of psychology. The learning perspective stresses that people are unique and complex organisms and that each person is affected by their environments and experiences. The learning approach is elemental in helping us understand the fields of personality, psychotherapy and motivation. The third theoretical perspective, or approach, is the psychodynamic approach, which was greatly influenced by the works of Sigmund Freud. It emphasizes unconscious motivation and the influence of sexual and aggressive drive on behavior. It also impacts the fields of understanding personality and psy chological disorders. Cognitive psychology is the approach that inclides the study of mental process, such as thinking, perception, memory and problem solving. Cognitive psychology is very important because it influences virtually every field of psychology. The fifth perspective is the sociocultural approach, which emphasizes the importance of culture, gender and ethnicity in understanding how we think, feel and act.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The House Of The Seven Gables Essays -- essays research papers

Hawthorne’s The House of the Seven Gables The mood of Hawthorne’s The House of the Seven Gables is dark, and painstakingly creepy and slow. The story centers around the murders of two men, centuries ago, the curse that was placed upon the house as a result of that conflict, and the repercussions to the current generation. The overall story is like that of a nightmare of total and complete oppressive darkness. Not so much the fright that results from images of goblins and monsters, but that feeling of being scared of the dark; not because of what is there, but because of what you don’t know is there. Hawthorne sets this mood by describing the events that triggered the curse placed upon the Pyncheon mansion in the very first chapter, but never reveals more than a piece of the motivations and consequences at a time, throughout the remainder of the story. The descriptions of the house deteriorating throughout the years covered in the book establishes the sensation of the endless nightmare – that despite mortal man, the house remains as it was from the day it was erected and only the outward appearance changes. . In fact, as the story centralizes around the curse placed upon the house, it is almost the main attraction of the story, the other characters only playing supporting roles to show the potency of the dark power that the house holds on members of the Pyncheon dynasty. Because Hawthorne gives the house human characteristics, â€Å"So much of mankind’s varied experien...

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Explain Platos Theories of Form Essay

Plato was born in 429 B. C. As the son of a wealthy nobleman, he turned his back on a political scene, and devoted himself to writing ideas of his master, complimented with his own views in his dialogues. One particular theory he dedicated his time to was the the theory of ‘The forms’. Plato’s theory of forms is strongly based on what is real and what is not. What is real is thought to be perfect, but something cannot be real or perfect if it is always changing. He believed that behind every concept in the visible world, there is an unseen reality, which he calls its Forms. A form is an abstruse property or quality. The forms may be seen as ideal blueprints for the particular earthly example of beauty and trees, and so on, which Plato called particulars. If you take any property of an object and then separate it from that object and consider it by itself, you are deliberating a form. For example, if you separate the roundness of a tennis ball from its color, power and its weight, etc. and consider just roundness by itself, you are thinking of the from of roundness. Plato reasoned that this property of roundness existed not just in the appearance of a tennis ball, but in a different mode of existence. Plato believed that therefore all round objects, not just this tennis ball, participate or copy this same form of roundness. The same thing occurs with concepts like equality; we recognise two shapes are being equal because we have some awareness of the Form of Equality. Plato explains that the â€Å"World of forms† is very different to the â€Å"Visible world†. The â€Å"World of forms† can only be properly understood by philosophers and those who seek knowledge, not by the ignorant or those who do not wish to learn the truth. The theory of forms makes an analysis between those objects that are real and those that are only real in our minds. Plato emphasised that the Forms exist separately from their particulars. The Forms are eternally more real than their particulars, which only ‘appear’ to exist and therefore are very vague reflections of the Forms. The forms are radically different from the visible world in that they are not dependent upon or made of Physical matter. Plato believes that physical matter is inherently illusory and unreliable because it is subject to change. As the source of all knowledge possible, the Forms must be totally consistent meaning that it is eternal and unchanging, they transcend and go beyond the material. They are therefore immaterial (non-physical) which is why they cannot be detected by the senses but through the soul. Unlike the Forms, the particulars depend on physical matter and are changeable and imperfect. Plato believes that the different Forms are all connected to each other in a fixed order of importance. Most important of all is the Form of the Good, which is central to the existence of the whole universe. It is the principle of order, which structures the other forms, giving each other Forms, giving each other its own nature. Without this Form, there would be no ideal of beauty or justice etc†¦ According to Plato, knowledge of the Good is the highest knowledge a human is capable of. The ordinary person struggles to see past the illusion of this world because they ware ruled by their senses. Only the philosopher is capable of seeing beyond, because he can make a priori judgements The analogy of â€Å"The Cave† relates to the theory of ‘The Forms’ . Plato used the cave story to explain the importance of questioning everything like a philosopher does in order to distinguish between the unreal physical world and the real spiritual world lit by the sun. The prisoners in the cave are people who just accept everything at face value and never try to understand and ask questions. Their lives are therefore empty and meaningless. The tied prisoners are in an illusory world, what they think is reality, the shadows, is not really reality at all. Plato says that their situation is no different from ours. In Plato’s thinking people do not see the Forms clearly, only the illusory physical world. The puppets that people carry are also images of the Forms. These images are themselves only imitations or copies of the true reality of the Forms. The prisoner that breaks away and escapes making the tough journey (tough, because this relates to the distress it causes for a philosopher to change someones mind) out of the cave is the philosopher who wants to know what is really going on. In the outside world. As the sun gives life to all things and illuminates them, enabling us to see them for what they are, meaning the Form of the Good gives rise to all knowledge, enabling us to recognise the other Forms. The Theory of Forms represents Plato’s attempt to advance our expansion for abstract thought. Philosophy was a relatively new invention in Plato’s day, and it competed with mythology, tragedy, and epic poetry as the primary means by which people could make sense of their place in the world. Art and mythology was appealing to our emotions and desires whereas philosophy appeals to the intellect. The Theory of Forms differentiates the abstract world of thought from the world of the senses, where art and mythology operate. Plato said that abstract thought is superior to the world of the senses.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Presentation software Essay

Save a copy of this document, either onto your computer or a disk Work through your Assessment, remembering to save your work regularly When you’ve finished, print out a copy to keep for reference Then, go to and send your completed Assessment to your tutor via your My Study area – make sure it is clearly marked with your name, the course title and the Unit and Assessment number. Please note that this Assessment document has 8 pages and is made up of 3 Parts. Learning outcomes Throughout this Assessment, you will meet a number of different learning outcomes and assessment criteria. Take a look at the information below to see which criteria you will meet in which Parts of the Assessment. Learning outcomes & Assessment criteria met Part 1: 1.1 Identify what types of information are required for the presentation 1.2 Enter text and other information using layouts appropriate to type of information 1.3 Insert charts and tables into presentation slides 1.4 Insert images, video or sound to enhance the presentation 1.6 Organise and combine information of different forms or from different sources for presentations 1.7 Store and retrieve presentation files effectively, in line with local guidelines and conventions where available 2.1 Identify what slide structure and themes to use 2.2 Select, change and use appropriate templates for slides 2.4 Select and use appropriate techniques to format slides and presentations 2.5 Identify what presentation effects to use to enhance the presentation 2.6 Select and use animation and transition effects appropriately to enhance slide sequences 3.2 Prepare slideshow for presentation Part 2: 1.7 Store and retrieve presentation files effectively, in line with local guidelines and conventions where available 2.2 Select, change and use appropriate templates for slides 2.3 Select and use appropriate techniques to edit slides and presentations to meet needs 2.4 Select and use appropriate techniques to format slides and presentations 3.2 Prepare slideshow for presentation Part 3: 1.5 Identify any constraints which may affect the presentation 3.1 Describe how to present slides to meet needs and communicate effectively 3.2 Prepare slideshow for presentation 3.3 Check presentation meets needs, using IT tools and making corrections as necessary 3.4 Identify and respond to any problems with presentations to ensure that presentations meet needs Assessment Scenario You work for the Sales department of The Fruit and Veggie People Ltd, a company that sells organic, ethically sourced fruit and vegetable boxes. You are responsible for putting together a presentation that advertises their key products. You have been given an initial draft of the presentation content to edit and prepare before it is used in sales meetings to show clients the different products that are available. You have been asked to edit and prepare the presentation, taking it from 1st draft to final draft ready for use in sales meetings. Part 1: Creating your presentation (1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.6, 1.7, 2.1, 2.2, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 3.2) In this Part of the Assessment, you will need to apply the knowledge you have acquired in Session 1 – 5 of your PS2 Unit. Please note: You will have downloaded the resource files presentation_content, fruit_image and veg_image from the Unit Assessment Page to complete this part of the Assessment. 1. Begin by saving this assessment document as PS2 Assessment in an appropriate location. Take a screenprint of the file saved in this location and paste it in the space below: 2. In this Part of the Assessment, you need to produce a slide show presentation for The Fruit and Veggie People’s sales team so that they can show off the organisation’s best products to potential customers. Use the box below to identify the different types of information you could be required to include in your presentation. To make the presentation look professional and attractive, I would be using as many different types of information as possible, such as pictures, charts, sound, videos, tables and of course text and numbers. 3. Now create your presentation using a suitable template in PowerPoint. The presentation must be structured appropriately and must contain: At least 6 slides A theme At least 4 examples of inserting objects (this must include the two image files fruit_image and veg_image, a chart, a table and a Clip Art sound clip.) A slide containing references for the image files you have used At least 1 animation effect At least 1 slide transition At least 3 different kinds of text formatting (e.g. using bold, italics, colour, alignment or underlining) Content for the presentation can be found in the presentation_content resource file. Please note that in the presentation_content file, the person who has drafted the presentation has left you some instructions in red. When you are happy with your work, save your work as PS2_presentation. Remember to also save any work you’ve done on this PS2 Assessment. Part 2: Making changes to your presentation (1.7, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 3.2) In this Part of the Assessment, you will need to apply the knowledge you have acquired in Session 1 – 6 of your PS2 Unit. 1. Re-open the presentation PS2_presentation that you saved in Part 1 of this Assessment. 2. Use the Slide Master view in PowerPoint to change the master styles on Slide 1 of your presentation template. Use the box below to describe the changes you have made. On my first slide, I’ve used obviously the Title Slide layout. I have made the following modifications to it: – Changed the background gradient mode and its colours – Changed the position of the slide number which is part of the header 3. Change the order of slides in your presentation by switching Slide 3 and Slide 4 around. 4. In Part 1, you added a series of objects to your presentation (such as tables, charts, images etc.) Edit your presentation by changing the size and position of one of these objects. Use the box below to give details of the changes you have made: There is a green box picture (the one with the recycling sign on it) on my fifth slide, which I’ve made a bit smaller at this point and also repositioned it from the upright region to the right bottom one. 5. Finally, add a simple shape, such as an arrow or a star, to an appropriate point in your presentation. Use the box below to give details of the shape you have added and where it can be found in your presentation. I’ve placed a few arrows to my sixth slider on the top of the line graph to make even more obvious, that the business is doing better every year. I’ve changed the colour and size of all the arrows and finally added them to the same animation that has been used on the line graph itself. When you are happy with your work, save your amended presentation as PS2_presentation_edited. Remember to also save the work you’ve done on this PS2 Assessment document. Part 3: Finalising your presentation (1.5, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4) In this Part of the Assessment, you will need to apply knowledge you have acquired in Session 6 of your PS2 Unit. 1. List at least two constraints that may affect your presentation. This should include one legal constraint, and one constraint provided by your organisation (or one that you are familiar with.) By creating a presentation, there’s a number of constraints has to be considered either by law (equal opportunities, acknowledging sources) or in order to maintain the consistency within the company or organisation (house style, time, local guidelines), that will be using it. 2. Explain how your presentation meets the needs of the sales team at The Fruit and Veggie People Headquarters. My presentation takes less than 2 minutes to show and doesn’t require mouse click to move on except for at the final references slide. This presentation will be published on business meetings, so every second counts. It has a small file size, therefore it is easily downloadable, can be forwarded via email or streamed online without even downloading it in the future. It is short enough to keep the attention awaken, colourful, contains sound effect, animations and transitions, therefore it encourages people watching it carefully, which is the company’s goal. 3. List at least five things you should check in your presentation to ensure that it is suitable for viewing. Before publishing any presentation I need to check its quality, design, content and the constraints, that needs to be taken into account. First I should do a spell check, and an overall content check (accuracy and clarity) to make sure it contains all the information in the right order it has to, therefore it is easily understandable for the viewers). Second I need to check the design has been used including the text formatting, the position and size of the pictures and other contents, as well as the timing, animations and transitions. Finally needs to be checked, that the presentation follows the local guidelines of the company, contains the list of sources and references. 4. Now use your list from question 3 above to check your presentation. Make changes as necessary in response to any problems you identify in your presentation. Use the box below to list any problems you have identified and the changes you have made to ensure your presentation meets requirements. I’ve added the word â€Å"Romanesco† to the spellcheck dictionary, so in the future it will not be marked as a spelling error. I’ve changed the colour and the gradient of the main title on the first slide, so it better matches the colours of the modified master slide. Save your finished presentation as PS2_presentation_complete. Remember to also save the work you’ve done on your PS2 Assessment. Sending work Once you have completed all parts of this Assessment, you will need to send your work to your tutor so that they can see the progress you have made. Please make sure you send all of the following files: 1. This document, your PS2 Assessment 2. The presentation that you created at the end of Part 1 saved as PS2_presentation 3. The presentation that you created at the end of Part 2 saved as PS2_presentation_edited 4. The final version of the presentation that you created at the end of Part 3 saved as PS2_presentation_complete. Once you have checked to make sure you have these four files, go to and send your files to your tutor via your My Study area.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

How an HR Practitioner should ensure the services they provide are timely and effective

With reference to the HR Practitioners role within my company i will show how we meet the customers needs in a timely and effective manner. Prensently i work for Leicestershire Police and my role as a HR Clerk mainly entails the recruitment side of things. Which also entails job fairs, seminars and marketing fairs. Additionaly to this i will do general admin duties where will answer or update employees queries, deal with the sickness line and fit notes and maintain employee records.At present we are recruiting between 200 – 250 people who are at several different stages of the process. Understanding customer needs (include examples of 3 different customers and 1 need for each, and explain how would you priotise conflicting needs) We entertain a wide variety of customers within our HR department, the 3 key users that we deal with are the external and internal candidates, employees and management. Internal and External candidatesEach recruitment selection can require different p rocesses  · to keep them updated with the whole process from start to end, i.e successfull at short listing, interview/asssement dates, have been successfull/unsuccessfull at interview, vetting medical and employment reference checks.  · provide them induction days and training if required for thyat specific role.  · For some areas of our vacancies we have a pool of candiates that would go into cohorts. How we priotise who would go in each one would be whos passed their assessments/interviews, fitness tests, how quickly other departments we work alongside would complete their side of things.Employees · Main needs would to keep thier records upto date with sickness, awards, training, change in circumstances, performance developement reviews.Management  · To keep line managers informed of new starters, what their scheldues would be, induction lists to provide the new starter and to make sure they settle into their new efficiently and to inform them if they need any additiona l help. make sure that the new candidate completes the manditoryDisplay Screen Equipment Survey (DSE) so that the they are working in a comfortable environment.  · Update managers with any sicknessesWith these main 3 customers the HR Service Centre can show that they provide a broad range of services that meet to the customers standards. We update the relavent people with the correct information but would uphold the confidentiality around sensative or personal records. Effective communication (includes examples of 3 different communication methods and the advantages and disadvantages of each) Within in the HR service centre we use several different methods of communication, the ones we find most effective in our line of work are by telephone, writing or emailing.Telephone Communication · The quickest way to contact someone is by phone, this way we are able to talk through various process and get quick confirmation from people. you would also get a sense of what the person is lik e.  · The disadvantage of using the phone is that you have no recording of what has been said or agreed to, and the full meaning/point might not get across to them.Email Communication · The benefit of emails is that it is the quickest way to keep people informed about various things and get answers back almost immediatley, tranfer details to various people at the same time. If they are internal employee/ candidates we can keep the emails restricted so they cannot be accessed from outside forces. We would also be able to keep an audit trail of what has been said or agreed to.  · Disadvantage would be that if the email is unrestricted others would be able to access it, would go to the wrong person and would not be classed as official confirmation.Written Communication · Would go directly to relavent person. More offical when sending out contracts, update letters references. Would be able to keep a copy of the letter we send out with the persons file.  · On the other hand let ters can easily be lost in the post, employees and candidtaes can claim to have not recieved it. Written communication can also take longer between replys. Effective service delivery (include: delivering service on time, delivering service on budject, dealing with difficult customers, handling and resolving complaints)All services that we provide needs to be processed in a timely manner. In the recruitng side we have a time frame of 8-12 weeks to recruitment candidates, we do have some longer to time frames for people who are in the pools. With more everyday queries we recieve generally take 24 hours to at least action if answer any questions.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Sloan School of Management

I am really pleased to have some discussion about my interest to apply for Sloan MBA program. I am determined to take admission in an MBA program in a reputable school and Sloan School of Management is one of my top priorities. The reason that I’ve chosen your school is that MIT Sloan is most popular and reliable in administrating and imparting education to business professionals. It has been able to launch change in our current business environment.Its reputation is much known among professionals and still its well educated and learned faculty is still contributing to this culture. I am much acquainted with the culture you promote and also easy and compassionate essay questions you ask. By taking MBA program at Sloan School of Management I hope that I will learn a lot about business dealings and can perform much better in the construction business.Our company is a recognized name in construction industry of China. We have been engaged in steel structural design, manufacture, and installation for more than ten years. Amazingly, our sales have grown tenfold in the last two years.Though it appeared that we were flourishing but there were uncontrollable crisis through which we were passing. For several months we worked under great pressure and none had time to consider company’s long-term goals.As I’ve spent uncountable hours in allocating assignments, monitoring status, solving problems, and handling nonstop incidents. My experience shows that we need a change in company’s environment.We have to change current project-based model to a mass production and commercialize our products. In order to enhance my career as a ‘project manager’ and my working knowledge in this business I am very keen to take this program. During my management career I’ve successfully dealt with several complex situations and led a team to complete most difficult and time consuming projects in rural China.I have also shown outstanding quantitat ive analysis skills and innovated new and extremely useful operational modes in the company. I want to excel my skills and compete in this business as a successful businessman.My capabilities show that I am a proven leader not just an entrepreneur. In order to put my vision into practice I must continue my studies and complete my MBA from Sloan institute of Management. I hope Sloan will play important role in transition of my career success.My visions are clear and I am determined to pursue my career in this field. After graduating from Sloan, I will return to my family business to take charge of overseas market expansion, and form a total solutions transnational steel-structure on partnership basis. I have planned to combine our unparalleled design originality with competitive cost advantage to broaden our business scope by promoting customized Composite Steel Structural Villa.Besides, I have also planned to establish Green House Business Group and Material Innovation Team for bett er environmental protection. Furthermore, my plan also includes developing multilateral investment strategies and conducting upstream industrial integration. Finally, I aim to capture venture capital for carrying out IPO in 2015. My ultimate objective is to lead my business as a driving force in the world’s economy with a clear mission and improve living standards.

Wall-Mart and Information System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Wall-Mart and Information System - Essay Example This paper will explain why Wal-Mart has lived to become one of the most successful retail companies in the world, and particularly tie its competitive advantage strategies with relevant theoretical models. Wal-Mart stores are, therefore, designed in such a manner that the managers of the organization are the ones who allocate duties as well as monitor the activities of employees within the organization. The managers also identify any changes that need to be implemented to the stores in order to ensure that all the production processes within the stores are in line with the goals of the entire organization (The Wall Street Journal, 2012). This paper will show how Wal-Mart has used information systems to achieve different categories of its strategic goals. New products, services, & business models Wal-Mart has been able to utilize information systems to improve its products, deliver and sell its product and services to create wealth. Ideally, the key characteristic of Wal-Mart’ s business model is its low-cost strategy, which is enabled by its efficiency and high level of productivity as a result of the use of innovative information systems. Therefore, the company has managed to attain cost leadership by reducing its cost of operation to the lowest level possible (Porter, 2008). The fact that Wal-Mart’s products cost relatively low makes it very successful when introducing new products and services because after all, many customers will want to purchase in its stores to maximize the value for their money. The management of Wal-Mart tirelessly continues to utilize information technology to improve the company’s business model in such a manner that meets the customers’ requirements and suits the organizational goals. The kind of information systems deployed by Wal-Mart is a mixed type, whereby both â€Å"bricks and motor† and â€Å"clicks and bricks† methods are used to market its products. Ideally, Wal-Mart does not advert ise in the media like many of its competitors do, however, its products and services are very popular with customers.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

History of China Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

History of China - Essay Example Mao used an approach similar to that of Qin dynasty that is ruling with spreading fear and hatred against himself due to his policies and style. After his victory over Chiang Kai-shek in 1949 that was a communist leader, and the creating of the People's Republic of China, Mao's position was seen as very strong in China. Although Chinese people had endured a lot during this time, but it seemed not too hard for Mao to persuade them of his visionary force and practical need for the Great Leap Forward of the late 1950s and he was successful in doing so. Despite the deaths of millions he caused, Mao was both a creative thinker and a practical person. He learned as a youth not only how Shang Yang a previous Qin Dynasty leader brought cruel laws to the Chinese people. Mao also knew that the Qin rulers had been both hated and feared and that there dynasty was soon ended due to their actions, despite its strength of force and efficient use of terror. Finally Mao died in 1976 but left a mark o n the history of China. Mao had difficulty during his time to establish a successful domestic economic and social policy for China. In 1958, Mao placed a Great Leap Forward, which was mainly a trial to break with the Russian model of Communism and to fill the Chinese people with renewed radical energy. Approximately 20-30 million people died in the food crisis as the program badly failed, between the years 1958-61. Thus, Mao withdrew temporarily from public view. As the result of the failure, help from Soviet Union also ended which was another shock for China. The major cause of the failing of every strategy implied by Chairman Mao whether its socialism, capitalism, dictatorship or democracy was his way of ruling over the people. A solid proof is his continuous changing of the five-year plan. Chairman Mao is held in high regard in China and is often portrayed as a great revolutionary leader and a military and political genius. He led China through difficult times such as of the War of Resistance and the Ci vil War and changed China from a weak country into a major power through his social and economic reforms. However a number of the reforms put into action by Mao have been condemned and held responsible by critics from inside and across the borders of the territory of China to result in stern harm to the culture, economy, society, and foreign relations of the country on the whole. Mao launched the First Five Year Plan in 1953-58. It aimed to end Chinese reliance upon agriculture in order to become a world power. With assistance from USSR, new plants were set-up and agricultural production declined heavily and low enough from the point where the industrialization prospered enough that the country needed no further support from the USSR. The success of the First Five Year Plan gave confidence to Mao to instigate the Second Five Year Plan, the Great Leap Forward, in 1958, which turned out to be a major failure because of his tyranny. The opposition against him was so large and strong that he had to take some action, which he did in the form of massive killings. Another reason for the failing of all kinds of reforms implemented by Chairman Mao was the motive behind them. According to many writers this is proved that every five-year plan and every social or economic policy Chairman Mao implemented was to reduce the power of his opponents or was to eliminate them. During the Great Leap Fo

Monday, August 12, 2019

Apple case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Apple case study - Essay Example Part 1. External Analysis The business environment for Apple Incorporated has become so challenging considering that there are important components in it that needs to be understood in detail. PESTEL Analysis In every business environment, government is an essential component for a successful business implementation. Porter believed that the government has important role to play when it comes to the establishment of a harmonious business environment for every business or industry. Thus, there is no wonder why political consideration has always been an important concern in every business situation. In the case of Apple Incorporated, it is crucial with its business to maintain its identity and this is done through intellectual property management for the designs of its product offerings. In line with this, the government always has political power to include in its policy and procedure for handling business situations. It is also in line with this that there is a higher level of associ ation involved with legal concerns. The legality is necessary because it is through this that a business or organisation can successfully implement the right strategy and procedure. The economic recession in the United States which has affected the entire world economy has also created a chain impact on Apple Incorporated’s financial performance. ... In the case of marketing activity, people are socially aware that it is a matter of idea that can substantially influence their buying power. In line with this, Apple Incorporated considers the most important idea that can create social impacts. The cutting-edge technology of Apple Incorporated can substantially compete with the ongoing trend. This is due to the fact that advancement of technology has become tantamount to the level of progress in everywhere. The corporate social responsibility is one of the latest trends in business. This is due to the fact that there is a need to consider the environment. In fact, businesses are highly influenced by the fact that there is a need to be environmentally concerned and not just purely on making profits. Porter’s Five Forces Porter’s five forces model can substantially explain how competitive rivalry between Apple Incorporated and other manufacturing companies in its industry is formed. Samsung, Nokia and other rivals of App le Incorporated have substantially created specific strategic moves in the market. Considering that these companies are also good at creating demand for their product offerings. Apple Incorporated has been faced by issues concerning the design of its offerings. These companies have essentially copied in detail what Apple has viewed to be remarkably important for its customers. These companies have learned the information that customers are looking forward not only on brand quality but reliability issues and utility issues. Thus, customers have strong market power because of increasing models of product offerings. Competition has become so intense which resulted to Apple’s highly differentiated strategy of stimulating needs for

Sunday, August 11, 2019

The importance of peer relationships for children social development Essay

The importance of peer relationships for children social development - Essay Example Social development entails continued enhancement of skills relevant to help ones interact with the immediate social environment consisting of people and prevailing conditions and situations. The peer relationships development in children is aided by the combined role played by parents, practitioners as well as the attitudes of the children being taught. Moreover, peer relationships create a sense of responsibility in children, eradication of loneliness caused by family troubles, as well as the enhancement of social competence. These are rationales to the development of social development in an individual. Many problems in children are as a result of poor social upbringing, which ultimately leads to the withdrawal of some children from their peers. However, the recent years have seen researchers, scholars, as well as academicians getting actively involved in the study of the effects of peer relationships in human life (Ford and Harris, 1999). The discussion in this paper aims at inves tigating into the importance of peer relationships in social development. The role of practitioners is crucial to establish at this juncture, as well as the key elements of peer relationships to enhance a better understanding. The reasons as to why children withdraw from their peers as well as the rationale of peer relationships in the future life of children will also be established. Key elements of peer relationships Peer relationships are attributed to a number of significant elements, which include self/irritability, family, school and peers as well as work. Self/ irritability element determines the response of distinct individuals to occurrences/ phenomenon. Some children who are faced with difficulties resulting from physical, family troubles, abandonment, resiliency, and exceptionality respond slowly to peer-relationships. In contrast, those in the relevant contexts often demonstrate a quick response to the peer relationships. Secondly, family context plays a pivotal role in the performance of a child in the social realms. Bronfenbrenner’s systems refer this as the main micro-system influence (Siegel, 2008). Mesosystems explain the influence that occurs as a result of how children respond to the immediate environments, which are composed of a connection between any of the two micro-systems. For instance, a connection between family and school, a child who has difficulties in family life will definitely have difficulties interacting with teachers as well as other children. Recent research has indicated teachers as contributors of poor peer relationships due to their utilization of favoritism on some children. The same is impacted in the societal set up since the child has already developed a negative attitude. Peers are also long-term rationales for the extents of peer relationships and finally social development. These are the friends that one has to interact with in all contexts. Harsh treatment by some peers is also a major cause of withdrawal. Some peers also result in poor

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Protein Quantitation Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Protein Quantitation - Lab Report Example The following is a report on an experiment conducted to determine protein concentration of unknown samples using this method. Bradford Protein Concentration Assay Accurate protein quantitation is paramount to all experiments that are related to proteins in a lot of research topics in molecular biology, developmental biology, cell biology, neuroscience, and biochemistry. Different techniques have been developed to quantitate proteins in the last century, both for the total protein content and a single protein. Total protein content quantitation methods include Bradford assays. Bradford assay, which was initially described by Dr. Marion Bradford in 1976, is one of the commonly used methods to determine protein concentration. This method relies on formation of a complex between proteins in solution and the Coomassie brilliant blue G-250 dye. This dye exists in four different ionic forms. The more anionic blue form binds to proteins and has an absorbance at 590 nm. Protein concentrations can be known by determining the amount of dye in the blue ionic form, and by measuring the absorbance of the solution at 595 nm using a spectrophotometer (Becker, Caldwell & Zachgo, 1996). This dye binds mostly to arginine, tryptophan, tyrosine, histidine, and phenylalanine residues of the protein Materials and Reagents Protein standard: 1mg/mL Albumin Bradford reagent Distilled water Test samples A, B and C (Unknown protein) One 96-well plate Procedure First, the albumin standard solutions were prepared as follows: Concentration Albumin Distilled Water 0% 0ul 100ul 25% 25ul 75ul 50% 50ul 50ul 75% 75ul 25ul 100% 100ul 0ul Then the Bradford reagents were diluted with 300 ul (Bradford): 1500ul (Distill Water) (1:5 ratio). In the first trial, 180ul of the diluted Bradford reagents was added into the 96 well plate. Then 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100% and Sample A, B, C, each 5ul was added to each well hole which contained 180ul of diluted Bradford reagent. These were tested with spectrophotom eter and the results recorded. The experiment was repeated again the same way. In addition, Sample C was diluted with 3 different ratios as follows: 1:9 (Sample C: Distill Water) 1:99 (Sample C: Distill Water) 5:95 (Sample C: Distill Water) The results were recorded after the solutions were tested with a spectrophotometer. A standard curve of absorbance versus concentration protein was drawn. Results The results were recorded as follows: First Trial Results: 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Sample A Sample B Sample C 0.092 0.145 0.161 0.169 0.162 0.095 0.161 0.763 Second Trial Results: 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Sample A Sample B Sample C Sample C (1:9) Sample C (1:99) Sample C (5:95) 0.113 0.188 0.218 0.217 0.210 0.116 0.200 0.670 0.244 0.118 0.152 The responses of the standards were used to plot a standard curve. Absorbance values of unknown samples were then interpolated onto the plot for the standard curve to determine their concentrations as shown in the graph below. Discussion From the graph abov e, the optimum measurement wavelength for this assay is on sample C. Thus sample C has the highest protein concentration. Sample A has the same absorbance as 0% albumin and Sample B has the same absorbance as 50% albumin. It can therefore be concluded that sample A and Sample B have 0% and 50% protein concentra

Friday, August 9, 2019

Estimating power and privilege Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Estimating power and privilege - Essay Example When I think about my friend, I find that I use the same criteria to classify him. I think that the reason I do this is because it draws distinctions or highlights the differences between us and provides a framework for identifying both similarities and differences. He is a male, I am a female; there is a multitude of implied sociological, as well as biological, differences in that category. My family has lived in America for the last seven generations and his grandfather came to the United States from Mexico; the cultural identity distinctions are numerous, as is our reference grid for perceiving the world around us. I am single and he is married; this relationship status implies an enormous number of social factors that define us both in different ways. As for intelligence, we are both pursuing degrees in higher education; for this specific comparison, this is more of a distinction that highlights our similarities over our differences. Finally, I am here and he is in Los Angeles; which means that our daily lives look very different. These identity definitions ar e important for the purposes of understanding similarities and differences. I think the benefits of privilege, and certainly the abuse of power, are often found within these categories. In looking at the abuse side of things, i.e., discrimination based on gender or ethnicity, sexual orientation, etc., I can see that any classification system can be abused; but I don't see any other way to make the identifications and distinctions that help me perceive the world. b. Relative Power and Privilege. In a similar way as identity classification, my estimation of my own personal situation in terms of privilege follows similar distinction. On the whole, I would rate my personal circumstances as a seven. The criteria I use to give myself this rating are; living conditions, career opportunities, and recreational pursuits. I guess my thinking about my personal privilege status is guided by the things for which I am grateful. That is why I chose the categories above. I feel very privileged to have a safe and secure place to live, and plenty of food to eat; which makes me more privileged than much of the world's population. I am also very grateful for the career opportunities that lay before me, particularly after I finish my education. I know that I have more control over my future as a result of several privileges I enjoy. Finally, I chose recreational pursuits because those things make me happy. One reason my privilege score is so high is that I enjoy doing certain things and, when I engage in those activities, my quality of life and general mood are enhanced. If I were to have no time to play, because I had to spend every waking minute looking for food or working to stay alive, I would not be the privileged person I am right now. I don't know that I specifically rejected any other criteria for establishing my status, as much as I just followed my own internal logic. Certainly, there are many other categories of comparison that could be used to quantify privilege or power; but for me, the most important ones are those that directly impact my daily life and happiness. As I noted previously, my sense of privilege foll

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Six feet project 2 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Six feet project 2 - Assignment Example The disputes aren’t explained as indication that they could be minor. She only highlights natural urban calamities such as noise and insecurity, as the possible reasons of the immigration; â€Å"we have no burglar bars, no guns† (1320). By the virtue that Nadine does not mention any permit requirements for this migration, the whites are represented as having a bit of freedom. The blacks are the victims of oppression and are highly maltreated. Petrus’ family is displayed as generally poor, he works in a farm, his brother; the illegal immigrant is unemployed and his father feels better off by inheriting an old suit. Moreover, unlike the whites, they ought to acquire a permit to move, regardless of the reason behind. The author uses the white farmer’s humility to her workers to portray the authority’s callousness. Lerice, takes care of his workers children (1320), she presses her husband to impress Petrus despite having illegally accommodated his brother (1324); hence making him look stupid in the eyes of the soldiers. The conclusion does not show any fairness, since Petrus, lost his money, does not his body back but at least his father gets a white man’s suit portraying some equality. Apartheid is a cruel system that puts blacks in an oppressed position, both the kind whites and the blacks are aware of this but the authority has to maintain the system to protect the minority whites. Charter, the narrator is no different from other whites, thinking that he has better management but views the blacks as poor and non-human. He despises their effort and unity to retrieve their brother’s dead body: upon receiving the  £20 contribution he says â€Å"I took it in irritation†¦, useless sacrifice by people so poor† Effects of racism killed Petrus’ brother. After death, the Apartheid system does not sympathize with the family. His body is buried without family involvement and later the authorities play fraud; take the