Friday, June 14, 2019

Political violence in latin america in the 20th century Essay

Political violence in latin america in the 20th hundred - Essay ExampleDictatorship was the core problem which was carried out by top most government officials and militants who violated the human rights. They were influential and their followers utilise their selfish acts. They carried out terrorist attack, coup detours they were the big drugs lords. These leaders only benefited themselves and oppressed their citizens.Many middle class people lost there jobs and property and touched economical this led to abject poverty and social exclusion. There was great suffering by this population because they lost there families, property and others become home slight. It came a time these people could get basic needs like shelter, security, food and health care. This was due to the oppression exercise by the dictatorship.The struggle of democracy was costly but it was worth it since this oppression and human right violation were too much. Activist and law students were at the forefront of f ighting for their rights. Many were killed, tortured and others displace to exile.It is important to preserve the collective memory because when it is preserved people will not forget their history and the likely of it recurring will be less since the incident and what happened is learned from generation to generation. It helps them in remanding them what can happen when democracy is not practiced. It being a history it became a studying subject.Forgetting what happened have to be mandatory though this free willingness situation, for a nation to progress people have to forgive each other of the past violence. if people still cook on to what happened to them or their ancestors peace will never be found since the urge of revenging of want happened to their families will poses them, hence its important the victims to

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