Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Impacts of Natural Disasters on the Tourism Industry Essay Example

The Impacts of Natural Disasters on the Tourism Industry Paper Taiwan Earthquake of 1991 Perhaps the most serious of earthquakes in Taiwan[ls history struck in September of 1991. Tourism Management Magazine stated that the tourism economy took the hardest hit after the traumatic events Of the earthquake, and especially the international tourist economy. Major tourist attractions like National Palace Museum and Chiffon were ruined by the earthquakes. The National Palace is a place of rich cultural irritate and the Chiffon are walking paths with beautiful scenery. It was not solely Taiwan structural damage that hurt the tourism economy, however; it was also all of the negative media coverage. The media portrayed Taiwan to be in horrible condition and said Taiwan lost all of its beauty. The reason media companies blow everything out of proportion is so their companies get more attention, not everything they actually say is true. In order for Taiwan to mitigate the severe circumstances the media put them in they put a plan in to action to reinvigorate their tourism economy. This plan included sending out undress of representatives all over the world to personally give interviews on TaiwanÃ'Å¡s current state. Taiwan also invited corporate touring agencies to personally take tours of the current state Taiwan was in. They also gave projections of when everything would be tourist ready. This helped Taiwan out tremendously because they 5 | Page of Natural Disasters and on the Tourism and Hospitality Industry didnt give those corporate agencies a chance to forget about their tourism industry. Also, the city of Taipei holds a Taipei International Travel Fair each year. We will write a custom essay sample on The Impacts of Natural Disasters on the Tourism Industry specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Impacts of Natural Disasters on the Tourism Industry specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Impacts of Natural Disasters on the Tourism Industry specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer This fair has hundreds of vendors and booths set up with tourism professionals. It is a four day fair and right after the tragic events of the earthquake Taiwan successfully held the fair. The fair attracted over 60,000 visitors and became a huge success. This obviously worked wonders for the both the tourism industry of Taiwan and the international tourist industry of Taiwan. Another huge help for the Taiwanese tourism industry is the commercial that CNN ran in Asia and all over North America promoting their annual Johnnie Walker Classic Golf Tournament. The slogan during the commercial was After the quake, Taiwan goes on. This helped immensely bring in international tourists and business people. The commercial was mainly showed in Japan because that is Taiwan]s major source of inbound tourism. Taiwan]s market segment was right on target because after these ads were shown their international tourism improved drastically. The Taiwanese government provided a substantial amount of aid to the tourism sector by coming up with plans to help rebuild major tourist attractions that were ruined by the earthquake. Human of Tourism Management Magazine states, The government played a significant role to help bring facilities in scenic areas back into operation efficiently. They allowed for tourism companies in earth quake stricken areas o apply for low interest loans to big time banks, especially The Bank of China. Once the major areas of tourism were approved to be safely traveled to by tourists, there was a national announcement made. This also helped the inbound 6 | Page of Natural Disasters and on the Tourism and Hospitality Industry tourist flow grow. Another helpful contribution that was made was a significant discount in tickets to get to Taiwan to Japanese and Chinese travelers, two of their biggest inbound markets. This also gave significant help to the inbound tourist rate. The Taiwan tourism economy today seems to be doing better Han ever. They have rebuilt themselves. They are considered a must see destination in Asia and seem to be flourishing tremendously. Japan Earthquake of 2011 Just recently in March of 2011 Japan experienced a horrible earthquake that was similar to Taiwan]s earthquake of 1 991. However, Japans earthquake was a lot worse measuring a whopping 9. 0 on the Richter scale. It is truly a shame that this happened to Japan at this time because BBC stated, the Asia Pacific region was expected to drive the global tourism industry in 2011 BBC also forecasted nine million tourists to pay a trip to Japan this year. This obviously cannot happen anymore because of the amount of damage the earthquake wreaked on Japan. On top of the structural damage caused to Japan, a gas leak in the Fuchsia nuclear power plant has caused radiation levels to sky rocket. These harmful radiation levels have caused an evacuation to the area around the power plant, which means there will be more of a detrimental impact on the tourism industry than there already is. No one will be willing to risk traveling to Japan for a vacation while due to the skyrocketed radiation levels. However, all hope is not lost for Japan and its tourism economy. The good deeds that Japan did or Taiwan tourism economy in their time of trouble and helplessness will 7 | page of Natural Disasters and on the Tourism and Hospitality Industry reciprocate eventually. It does not help that the united States government is advising all US citizens to not travel to Japan for now, but after a few years things will all get better. This situation can be compared to that after Taiwan;s. After Taiwan received the K to allow travelers in and it was nationally announced, their tourism economy improved tremendously. It may and probably will take a significant more amount of time for this to happen, but it is inevitable that it ill. If New York Citys tourist economy was able to bounce back after the terrorist attacks of September 1 1 the, any countryÃ'Å¡s tourism economy should be able to bounce back. It is the very beginning stages of rebuilding for Japan, but there is definitely hope for the future. Market Rebuilding After a natural disaster has struck a certain area, it is very difficult to get everything back to normal again. In most cases, the part that takes one of the biggest hits is the tourism sector Of the economy. Tourists will obviously not be inclined to travel somewhere disaster has struck, whether it is out of fear of happening gain or even for their own personal safety. A lot of people just do not think it is worth the risk. The combination of the area as a whole losing their tourism market and needing to rebuild, it seems like it is impossible to get everything back to normalÃ'Å¡. However, Louisiana is a great example of how there is hope to rebuild their economy. Hurricane Strain struck Louisiana in 2004 and caused much destruction to their landscape and their people, especially because New Orleans offered such a different and culturally rich tourist destination. The Monthly Labor Review quotes, Tourism had been one of the right spots in the New Orleans economy. Pre-Strain, the tourism economy was booming 8 | Page of Natural Disasters and on the Tourism and Hospitality Industry and provided numerous amounts of jobs for New Orleans locals. After Strain, it has been studied by the Monthly Labor Review and confirmed that the tourism market lost the most amount of jobs out of all the industries in New Orleans. Although the tourism industry may have taken one of the biggest hits after Strain, they have done an excellent job with rebuilding it. After the devastation of Hurricane Strain, there was lots of help to rebuild the cities ND make everything back to normal. They launched a new ad campaign with the slogan Fall in love with Louisiana all over again. This is a heartwarming slogan that is aiming for visitors to not be afraid to come back and that everything is pretty much back to normal. A new addition to their tourist options post Strain was to offer tours to the devastated parts that were hit by the hurricane. This is a strategic approach to bring in more money for rebuilding, the tourists see the devastation and then feel bad and then give money. They were in need of lots of visitors in order to jump start the economy.

Monday, November 25, 2019

10 Facts About Chromosomes

10 Facts About Chromosomes Chromosomes are cell components that are composed of DNA and located within the nucleus of our cells. The DNA of a chromosome is so long, that it must be wrapped around proteins called histones and coiled into loops of chromatin in order for them to be able to fit within our cells. The DNA comprising chromosomes consists of thousands of genes that determine everything about an individual. This includes sex determination and inherited traits such as eye color, dimples, and freckles. Discover ten interesting facts about chromosomes. 1) Bacteria Have Circular Chromosomes Unlike the thread-like linear strands of chromosomes found in eukaryotic cells, chromosomes in prokaryotic cells, such as bacteria, typically consist of a single circular chromosome. Since prokaryotic cells do not have a nucleus, this circular chromosome is found in the cell cytoplasm. 2) Chromosome Numbers Vary Among Organisms Organisms have a set number of chromosomes per cell. That number varies across different species and is on average between 10 to 50 total chromosomes per cell. Diploid human cells have a total of 46 chromosomes (44 autosomes, 2 sex chromosomes). A cat has 38, lily 24, gorilla 48, cheetah 38, starfish 36, king crab 208, shrimp 254, mosquito 6, turkey 82, frog 26, and E.coli bacterium 1. In orchids, chromosome numbers vary from 10 to 250 across species. The adders-tongue fern (Ophioglossum reticulatum) has the most number of total chromosomes with 1,260. 3) Chromosomes Determine Whether You are Male or Female Male gametes or sperm cells in humans and other mammals contain one of two types of sex chromosomes: X or Y. Female gametes or eggs, however, contain only the X sex chromosome, so if a sperm cell containing an X chromosome fertilizes, the resulting zygote will be XX, or female. Alternatively, if the sperm cell contains a Y chromosome, than the resulting zygote will be XY, or male. 4) X Chromosomes Are Bigger Than Y Chromosomes Y chromosomes are about one-third the size of X chromosomes. The X chromosome represents about 5% of the total DNA in cells, while the Y chromosome represents about 2% of a cells total DNA. 5) Not All Organisms Have Sex Chromosomes Did you know that not all organisms have sex chromosomes? Organisms such as wasps, bees, and ants do not have sex chromosomes. Sex is therefore determined by fertilization. If an egg becomes fertilized, it will develop into a male. Unfertilized eggs develop into females. This type of asexual reproduction is a form of parthenogenesis. 6) Human Chromosomes Contain Viral DNA Did you know that about 8% of your DNA comes from a virus? According to researchers, this percentage of DNA is derived from viruses known as Borna viruses. These viruses infect the neurons of humans, birds and other mammals, leading to infection of the brain. Borna virus reproduction occurs in the nucleus of infected cells. Viral genes that are replicated in infected cells can become integrated into chromosomes of sex cells. When this occurs, the viral DNA is passed from parent to offspring. It is thought that Borna virus could be responsible for certain psychiatric and neurological illness in humans. 7) Chromosome Telomeres are Linked to Aging and Cancer Telomeres are areas of DNA located at the ends of chromosomes. They are protective caps that stabilize DNA during cell replication. Over time, telomeres wear down and become shortened. When they become too short, the cell can no longer divide. Telomere shortening is linked to the aging process as it can trigger apoptosis or programmed cell death. Telomere shortening is also associated with cancer cell development. 8) Cells Dont Repair Chromosome Damage During Mitosis Cells shut off DNA repair processes during cell division. This is because a dividing cell does not recognize the difference between damaged DNA stands and telomeres. Repairing DNA during mitosis could cause telomere fusion, which may result in cell death or chromosome abnormalities. 9) Males Have Increased X Chromosome Activity Because males have a single X chromosome, it is necessary for cells at times to increase gene activity on the X chromosome. The protein complex MSL helps to up-regulate or increase gene expression on the X chromosome by helping the enzyme RNA polymerase II to transcribe DNA and express more of the X chromosome genes. With the help of the MSL complex, RNA polymerase II is able to travel further along the DNA strand during transcription, thereby causing more genes to be expressed. 10) There Are Two Main Types of Chromosome Mutations Chromosome mutations sometimes occur and can be categorized into two main types: mutations that cause structural changes and mutations that cause changes in chromosome numbers. Chromosome breakage and duplications can cause several types of chromosome structural changes including gene deletions (loss of genes), gene duplications (extra genes), and gene inversions (broken chromosome segment is reversed and inserted back into the chromosome). Mutations can also cause an individual to have an abnormal number of chromosomes. This type of mutation occurs during meiosis and causes cells to have either too many or not enough chromosomes. Down syndrome or Trisomy 21 results from the presence of an additional chromosome on autosomal chromosome 21. Sources: Chromosome. UXL Encyclopedia of Science. 2002. 16 Dec. 2015.Chromosome Numbers For Living Organisms. Alchemipedia. Accessed 16 Dec. 2015.X chromosome Genetics Home Reference. Reviewed January 2012. Y chromosome Genetics Home Reference. Reviewed January 2010.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Biotech benifits drought and salinity resistant crops

Biotech benifits drought and salinity resistant crops A study released March 14 concluded that more than 500,000 people could die due to the effects of climate change on food production. And it isn’t the first warning. This headline comes after a 2013 report from the U.S. Department of Agriculture saying that climate change could devastate agriculture. The warming climate, the report explained, could lead to dramatic increases in weeds, pests, and diseases. Other scientists have said the change in frequency and severity of extreme weather events (like heat waves, droughts, and floods) could lead to lower yields.â€Å"we’re going to end up in a situation where we have a multitude of things happening that are going to negatively impact crop production†, said Jerry Hatfield, a USDA plant physiologist. At the same time our climate is changing, our population is growing quickly: We’ll need to feed an estimated 9.7 billion people by 2050.Biotech crops, designed to withstand the effects of climate change, are one tool that could help us meet the challenge of feeding more people in a changing world. Here’s how: Drought-tolerant corn: This corn variety, available in the United States, was specifically designed for dry, drought-like conditions. These plants still need water, but they have been engineered to protect farmer’s yields in moderate drought years. A public-private partnership in Africa is now working to develop a drought-tolerant variety specifically designed for the continent. It’s estimated that better corn varieties could increase yields by 20 to 35 percent in food-insecure communities. Hyper-efficient, drought-resistant rice: Scientists in the UK are using genetic engineering to change the photosynthesis process in rice. The new variety could double water efficiency and increase tolerance to warmer temperatures. It could increase productivity up to 50 percent, and it has been called â€Å"one of humanity’s best chances for ending world hunger.†Salinity-tolerant crops: Climate change is expected to make river water (which is used for irrigation) saltie r. Scientists are experimenting with genetically modified wheat and barley that will be able to withstand higher levels of salt in water. In addition to allowing farmers to grow food in changing conditions, these varieties would free up more fresh water for drinking. Biotech crops won’t just help with climate change adaptation in the future; they’re also helping to mitigate climate change right now. Biotech crops make it easier for farmers to practice no-till farming. It’s a way of farming without plowing the soil. This means carbon stays in the soil and is not released into the atmosphere. Insect-resistant crops need fewer pesticide sprays, leading to less use of tractors and the fuel they need. In 2010, the use of biotech crops helped remove 19.4 billion kilograms of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, almost the same as taking 8.6 million cars off the road for a year. So while climate change certainly poses a threat to agriculture, we have an important tool to mitigate and adapt. Biotech is part of the solution. Specially designed crops will be one more tool in the toolkit for feeding a hungry, growing population in warming world.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Economic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Economic - Essay Example Price is deterrent to consumers’ consumption spending but serves as a motivation for the producers and sellers at the same time. However, their behaviors tend to vary on the responsiveness to price changes or elasticity of the goods and services in question and can be influenced by several factors present in the economy. In the end, rationality will be the guiding principle for both the consumers and the producers in making economic decisions. This paper tries to examine the factors related to changes in price of beef and the behaviors of both consumers and suppliers of beef towards it. In analyzing price elasticity of the demand and supply of beef, discussions on market price, determinants of price elasticity of demand and supply were also made. Related articles on demand and supply of food and grains like corn are utilized to achieve the goal of producing an intelligent analysis of the issues reflected in the article. And for better understanding of some of these economic co ncepts, illustrated graphs were also used to help in serving the purpose. 3. Analysis A. Market Price One of the economic goals that are widely, if not accepted in our society and in many others is the price level stability (McConnell and Brue 1993). This goal aims to avoid the sizable upswings or downswings in the general price level. In a microeconomic perspective, this goal is reached when changes in the market prices are manageable and don’t hurt consumers and producers that much. As price is the quantity of money paid by the buyers or consumers and received by the sellers or producers for a unit of good or service, it is very important for it to be stable.We need to analyze market prices to extend our understanding of demand and supply and to see the relative efficiency of these in allocating resources. A rise or fall in market prices will have a corresponding effect or impact to the people in the economy. In the article, the rise in beef price inflicted by high corn pri ces, more exports to protein-hungry nations and the market forces of supply and demand, is causing a pain being felt by beef lovers nationwide. But since some customers like Beth Belling from Omaha are carnivore, they have to have their beef even if hurts them a little more. Retailers are also affected by the increasing beef price but they reported that they are absorbing some of the cost increases— as much as $1 a pound for many cuts of beef — to keep consumers buying. Ruth Comer, a spokeswoman for West Des Moines-based Hy-Vee Supermarkets, said that they try to flatten out the price curve as much as they can so the customers don’t experience sticker shock when they come in store. They also believe that passing price increases along is going to prompt customers to pull back and stop buying or look elsewhere. Restaurant operators also say that higher prices of beef squeeze their finances as they become reluctant to raise menu prices. B. Price Elasticity of Deman d and Supply The responsiveness of supply and demand to any change in price is measured by the price elasticity. It is expressed as the ratio of the percentage change in the quantity demanded and supplied to the percentage change in price. This value will help us determine the degree of elasticity that a product’s demand or supply can have. The degree of elasticity, classified as elastic, inelastic, or unit elastic, will tell us the nature of the product (McConnell and Brue 1993). 1. Price Elasticity

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Goldilocks Zone Properties Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Goldilocks Zone Properties - Research Paper Example According to a NASA journal titled â€Å"The Goldilocks Zone†, the Goldilocks Zone is very big. The journal also talks about researchers who are trying to extend the regions of the Zone by looking for signs of life in distant planets. Research shows that there are certain organisms that prefer acidic conditions and some that swim in hot boiling water. The journal goes on to talk about ecosystems that have been discovered where the sun never reaches, and there is very hot water enough to melt metal. This means that the Goldilocks zone is very big, and covers areas that might be considered uninhabitable. The aim of this paper is to give a detailed account of the properties of the Goldilocks Zone. One of the Goldilocks zone properties is the presence of liquid water on the surface of the planets (Brian, 2011). The only planet known to contain large water bodies on its surface is the earth and this is where water exists in its liquid form rather than ice (Davies, pp 129-150). Ocea ns, lakes and rivers are surface water bodies which sustain lives of animals that live in water and also humans on earth. Water in the Goldilocks zone should not be too hot to evaporate or too cold to freeze, therefore, in case water evaporates or freezes, all life will vanish. Since earth is at the centre of the Zone, it has a constant water surface whereby the water does not become too hot or too cold to sustain life. Mars is considered to be on the cold side of the zone while Venus is on the hot side hence these two planets are not habitable since their water surface is irregular. Water is able to sustain life by: Transporting materials around the human and animal body and it can resist frequent changes in temperature therefore offering a favorable environment for aquatic animals. Planets with a hydrogen atmosphere such as earth can maintain water flowing no matter the distance from the sun. Once water freezes or boils and lost into space, all earthly life will be lost. Liquid wa ter is a vital property for a region to be classified under the Goldilocks Zone (Brian, 2011). Position to a star determines whether or not a planet has liquid water (Brian, 2011). According to Brian, a star’s energy output, gravitational pull, and size determine the location of the Goldilocks Zone. Compared to other liquids, water has unique properties which make it essential for life (Davies, pp85-103). Oceans and lakes do not freeze rock solid because water expands when it freezes. According to Davies, ice floats on liquid water, and aquatic animals are able to live on the water below. Water can dissolve many substances and it takes a lot of energy to change its temperature. This means that when a region experiences hot temperature, water remains moderately cool, hence sustaining life. Therefore, presence of water in the Goldilocks zone is a fundamental property, since it is able to sustain life during the cold and hot conditions (Davies, pp85-103). As earlier mentioned, E arth falls under the Goldilocks Zone, and the presence of water on Earth gives it its relatively moderate type of weather. Temperature is another property of the Goldilocks Zone and is chiefly affected by climate as the Earth rotates. The orbit of the Earth is circular so when it orbits around the zone, it enables the temperatures to remain steady. This is contrary to planets such as Venus which has an

Saturday, November 16, 2019

History 1920s Essay Example for Free

History 1920s Essay America went through many social changes with the American Revolution and industrial revolution. During the 1920’s, the face of America began to change more into an urban society. Many differences between the rural and urban sides of America emerged. Historians consider the tensions of the 1920s as a backlash against the rising urban America, which turns out true. Rural people believed that the city lacked morals. The urban city dwellers lashed back saying that rural residents did not understand the technology of modern times. In the 1920s, for the first time in American history, more people lived in cities rather than the countryside. People living in the more rural parts of America saw the urban lifestyle as a threat to traditionally shared value. The cities, a haven for political corruption and distraction, had much more alcohol and prostitution problems than their countryside counterparts did. With the rise of Hollywood and films, people found an escape from their routine life and went to see movies that portrayed what it really meant to live the American dream. However, the rural side of the country stuck to the old ways of agriculture life as the struggle between old and new still went on. With the rise in media also came an increase of cultural battles. The media brought about a revolution of morals since many urban Americas saw the changes in media and lifestyle as liberation from the old countryside Victorian past. Granted, the rural Americans did not see it this way. They felt that American had begun to change in sinful ways and that the ethicality of America had begun to decay. Many people in the countryside also resented the amount of immigrants coming into America. As a result, the Klu Klux Klan revived and revolted against the immigrants, Blacks, Catholics, Jews, and any modern or progressive movement. Located mostly in the rural parts of America, the Klu Klux Klan greatly showed their discontent with the modern American lifestyle. The South showed their animosity towards the foreigners and Blacks through discrimination and racism. However, none of this stopped the urban rise of America that the country would soon have to accept.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Expressing Oneself Through Tattoos :: Tattooing

The world has changed tremendously throughout the years. Through the personal and cultural expression of tattooing oneself most wonder why people today get tattoos. Furthermore, those who think tattoos are just for looks will have to realize that tattoos are a part of ones life. Therefore one might say, â€Å" Tattooing is used in a way to mark important events or people in their lives in a permanent way.†(Milcetich) people today should look in the meaning and value of a tattoo â€Å"As a statement carved in ones body† (Milcetich). Along with that meaning in ones body, people’s attitudes towards tattoos have begun to change what one thinks about tattoos. Attitudes towards life have changed more and more over the years as the personal interest in tattoos grow. â€Å"Teenagers create control over life when they side with tattoos to control emotions and life† (Babb’s). â€Å"Making a permanent choice with ones body through tattoos is a huge commitment† (Babb’s). Undoubtedly sometimes the personal interest is usually based on stereotypes, and self-expression. â€Å"Tattoos are usually chosen to express something that lies under the individual’s skin† (scoop). The abstract world tends to look down upon the ones who take part in this art. People choose to really show what’s on the inside by revealing it on the outside with tattoos. Which is the only way they can express either feeling or emotions? Symbolism and meaning is by far one of the most important aspects of the tattoo industry. â€Å"The abstract emotions and human awareness of emotions show what really is going on in ones life (Johnson)†. For that reason tattooing is a form of self-expression, and can stand for literal interpretations. For the most part these interpretations are the conveying of spiritual meaning, or marking milestones such as life or death† (Johnson). For those who think tattooing is just for looks or put a bad judgment on it, should also realize that ones personal interest reflects upon their lives. â€Å"Many individuals get their first tattoos during adolescence or young adulthood.†(Bravermark) Due to the mainstream culture, these traditions traditionally associate with stereotypes. Stereotypes defiantly have a huge impact on life. Which leads to the next point? Whether flaunted or hidden, sought as art or brought out on a whim, the tattoo has left a huge impact on generation a fter generation. â€Å"The impact on the world today through the history and visual reasoning behind tattoos, lead to the inquiry of personal life changing experiences.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Internet and Our Reading Ability Essay

Internet has become a boon for all of us. It gave us the flexibility to get any kind of information on our figure tips, at the comfort of our home and that too very quickly. Few years back getting information about anything was kind of difficult and tedious. People use to read books, go through journals and old newspapers and so on and so forth to fetch any particular news or information. But with the internet boom, everything changed. People started using eBooks, online dictionaries, Wikipedia, online magazines, online journals. Internet gave people the flexibility to search for anything and everything they want with the click of a button, starting from a local address to international news with the search giant called Google. In current scenario, more and more people are becoming dependant on internet for everything in their life. With all these developments and internet dependency, the one billion dollar question is, does the Internet decrease our ability and interest in reading? Does the Internet decrease our ability and interest in reading? Internet, few years’ back this was not known to anyone or may be a very few people. Internet was known to be a medium to communicate, this served as a boon for the software industry and many other corporate. Post’s which took many days and at times months, could be delivered in just few seconds. This made communication fast and easy. Slowly internet expanded its areas and entered into normal people’s life. People started feeling the comfort of sending emails and communication easy and very quick. With the internet god, people starting enjoying the comfort and flexibility. Slowly with research and development, internet expanded its expertise. It became a source of information with huge database of information. Internet gave people the flexibility to get any kind of information that they needed, very fast. This added to people’s comfort and flexibility and they started enjoying the so called internet. As the information were made available, people started feeling the need of having flexibility to search for information with keywords and hence search engines like Google, yahoo, msn were born. Research shows that, as the demand increases, supply also increased. The same thing happened with internet. People felt the need to do more with internet rather than just reading/writing emails and getting information. Slowly internet expanded its wings towards the ecommerce. Groceries, garments, jewelries, greeting cards, flowers and gifts, computers and electronics everything became online. People reduced their showroom visits, and started enjoying the ecommerce which gave them flexibility to buy anything they desire with just few button clicks and with added benefits like home delivery. With so many flexibilities and comforts, people got addicted to the internet. They started enjoying the electronic or online world to be more precise. As the comfort increases, the desires also increase and same thing happened in the internet case. After ecommerce boom, came a big bash called web2. 0, it gave people more flexibility. Here the user was the king. Until now people were just reading information, purchasing items and so on and so forth, but with web 2. 0 concepts came a revolutionary change in the internet world. People were able to do lot many things like writing blogs, social networking, commenting and rating, sharing, collaboration, forming and joining online groups and communities. People were able to attending the online webinars, eLearning concepts, reading academic books or novels online, reading news online and so on. There is no end to the internet and the new concepts coming up. Internet gave people flexibility, flexibility to read, write, search, buy and do whatever they want and feel. Internet is like a genie for everyone, wish anything and you will get. Internet is not limited to big cities it expanded its wings to small villages also, making them all e-dependant. Despite of all these developments, internet didn’t stop; it grabbed its attention towards the students and teachers. Student started feeling the comfort of reading online, making notes, doing research and so on and so forth. Things which seemed like rocket science became a cake walk for them. Internet helped them in finding anything they desire. Students started spending more time online through internet than reading physical notes and books. Kids started playing online games hence reducing their outdoor games. As the internet came with so many comforts, people started enjoying them all and became internet addicted. Internet addition is more dangerous than any drugs. As and when people started enjoying their comforts with the so called internet god, they forgot everything else in life; they started spending more time online. Even for small information they started searching online. Their social circle got affected. But what happened next? Most importantly their patience level decreased towards reading. Earlier people use to read books with lot of patience, going though the index page, turning through the page number they want to read, bookmarking the page where they stopped and so on. But with internet their reading ability decreased. They started feeling impatient about turning page by page to get any information. Ctrl+f (find) became their all time favorite shortcut. They desired these types of shortcut and online methods in their normal life also. Internet which came as a boon for all of us, became a curse for the authors and writers, since people started feeling disinterested towards reading books, rather they preferred eBooks which are way simpler to read and navigate. EBooks provided them flexibility to click on hyperlinks and go to any particular topics, which is not possible through normal books. It gave them flexibility to search for any word they wish to find about in any particular topic or phrase. Internet totally changed the way people work. It changed people’s perception towards reading and writing. Those who were happy reading books started disliking them. They got so addicted to the internet that it became major part of their life for everything. Internet have spoiled people’s mind, thinking ability, reading ability, writing ability and many more things. Those who enjoyed going to libraries and renting books and reading them, now likes to go to online libraries and read eBooks. Those who enjoyed reading newspapers now like reading news online in news sites. Those who liked reading or knowing general knowledge through GK books now like finding them online through Google or any such search engine. Those who liked doing research by collecting books and as many articles as possible, now like going online and referring online articles, links and books. Everything changed! People find it flexible and comfortable to read online for one more added reason that is information is available free of cost. Internet gave people everything they can desire in their life starting from comfort, flexibility to knowledge, technologies, gadgets and widgets and many more things. But it took away the patience from them. People don’t want to apply their brains anywhere else but only on the internet and doing things online. Obviously why do they need to apply brains? When everything they want is getting them available efficiently, fast and with the same quality and with lots and lots of flexibility, why would they like to do things without internet. With all the points above, the only conclusion is the internet may be a boon for all of us to lead a comfortable life, but internet has taken away one very important things from all our lives, and that is readability. References http://news. zdnet. com/2100-9595_22-243997. html Is Google Making Us Stupid? http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Is_Google_Making_Us_Stupid%3F Internet Age: Are We Losing Our Ability to Read and think? http://www. realtruth. org/articles/090105-006-science. html Leonard, Pitts. Is the Internet robbing us of the ability to read — and think? http://www. sj- r. com/archive/x833711685/Leonard-Pitts-Is-the-Internet-robbing-us-of-the-ability-to-read- and-think Nicholas, Carr (2008). Is Google Making Us Stupid?

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Paranoid Schizophrenia

Paranoid Schizophrenia Josh Brotheim Keiser University First off, what is paranoid schizophrenia? According to Coon and Mitterer, (2010) paranoid schizophrenia is schizophrenia marked by a preoccupation with delusions or by frequent auditory hallucinations related to a single theme, especially grandeur or prosecution. In simple terms, the patients with this disease have false beliefs (delusions) that somebody or some people are plotting against them or members of their family. They hear things that are not real, or have delusions of personal grandeur- a false belief that they are much greater and more powerful and influential than they really are. (MNT, 2010) The disease was first identified as a discrete illness by Dr. Emile Kraepelin in 1887 and the illness itself is generally believed to have accompanied mankind throughout its history. (Schizophrenia, 2010) There are three things to know about paranoid schizophrenia: what the signs and symptoms are, the types of different treatments, and how people with this disease can have a threatening effect on society. Since paranoid schizophrenia affects so many people worldwide, it is very important to know the early signs and symptoms associated with it. Signs and symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia sometimes vary from person to person, but all the patients have the majority of these symptoms. They suffer from paranoid delusions or false personal beliefs that are not subject to reason or contradictory evidence. (MNT, 2010) A patient with paranoid schizophrenia will usually suffer from periods of high anxiety. They may have anger that may range from mild irritation, to fury and rage. The patients may suffer physical or emotional detachment. Aggression may reach levels in which violent outbursts occur. (MNT, 2010). Violent behavior sometimes occurs with paranoid schizophrenics. Often this violence is interoperated by the patient as self-defense as he believes others want to do him harm; or may become suddenly violent without observed provocation. (Livestrong, 2011) They also often behave in bizarre ways. They are often reported as having a conversation with someone who is not there or making strange statements when speaking to friends and family. (Livestrong, 2011) Finally, many schizophrenics contemplate suicide due to the difficulty of living with their mental illness or because they believe they have been instructed to do so by auditory hallucinations. (MNT, 2010). Patients with paranoid schizophrenia require treatments on a permanent basis; even when symptoms seem to have receded- a tempting time for patients to say they are fine and no longer need more help. Treatments are basically the same for all forms of schizophrenia; there are variations depending on the severity and types of symptoms, the health of the patient, his/her age, as well as some other factors. (MNT, 2010) Treatments include medications, which include antipsychotics; these are effective at managing hallucinations, delusions and other symptoms such as loss of motivation and lack of emotion. (Mayo, 2010) Other medications like antidepressants, anti-anxiety, and mood stabilizing medications may also be used in combination with the antipsychotics depending on the patient’s symptoms. Psychotherapy for paranoid schizophrenic patients is also essential. Psychotherapy may include individual therapy, which is therapy with a skilled mental health provider that can help them learn ways to cope with the distress and daily life challenges brought on by the disease. (Mayo, 2010) Psychotherapy may also include family therapy, where both the patient and his family may benefit from therapy that provides support and education to the families. Eletroconclusive therapy (ECT) which electric currents are passed through their brains to trigger brief seizures, changes the brains chemistry that can reduce symptoms of this disease. Mayo, 2010) Finally, to help the patients live independently and an important part of their recovery, people with this disease benefit from social and vocational skills training. Though there are not too many cases worldwide, people with paranoid schizophrenia may cause a violent threat to our everyday lives. According to Coon and Mitterer, (2010) thinking that god, the government, or â€Å"cosmic rays from space† are controlling their minds or that someone is trying to poison them, people suffering from paranoid schizophrenia may feel forced into violence to â€Å"protect† themselves. An example is James Huberty, who brutally murdered 21 people at a McDonald’s restaurant in San Ysidro, California. Huberty felt prosecuted and cheated by life. Shortly before he announced to his wife that he was â€Å"going hunting humans,† Huberty had been hearing hallucinated voices. (Coon and Mitterer, 2010) In July, 1998, a man named Russell Westen, who had been diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic, entered the Capitol Building in Washington, D. C. , with a handgun, killing two security guards before he was shot and injured himself. As it turned out, the man had refused to take his medications. He was delusional, claiming that the President was conspiring to kill him. Once he claimed that the satellite dish in his little town in Montana was spying on him for the CIA. His parents said that he believed secret powers were trying to control him through the TV set. The man's symptoms read like a textbook description of paranoid schizophrenia. Not all paranoid schizophrenics are dangerous; most of them are not. However, when they begin to act on their fantasies, like this man did, they can become dangerous. (Psywww, 2007) Since, paranoid schizophrenia affects so many people worldwide, it is very important to know the early warning signs and symptoms associated with it. It is important to be able to recognize the strange activities he or she may be doing, from talking to the strange little leprechauns in the corner or getting violent and raged about the government or whomever, trying to come after them or their families. These diseased people need to be given the help they need. They need the antipsychotic medications, and the psychotherapy treatments to help them control there hallucinations and anger. With positive family and treatments, the violent outrages and murders can be kept under control. We just have to be able to understand what these patients are going through and help them with the proper treatments for their individual symptoms. (W/c 998) REFERENCES: Coon, D. and Mitterer, J. (2010) Introduction to Psychology (12th Ed. (P. 472). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth LIVESTRONG. com, (2010) Signs ; Symptoms of Paranoid Schizophrenia. Retrieved December 6, 2011 from http://www. livestrong. com/article/22699-signs-symptoms-paranoid-schizophrenia/ MAYOCLINIC, (2010) Treatments and Drugs. Retrieved December 6, 2011 from http://www. mayoclinic. com/health/paranoid-schizophrenia/Ds00862/DSECTION=treatments-and-drugs MNT, (2010) What is Paranoid Schizophrenia? What causes Paranoid Schizophrenia? Retrieved De cember 6, 2011 from

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Privatize Social Security essays

Privatize Social Security essays Privatize Social Security: Americans are Smart Enough to Invest for Themselves The beginning of the 20th century was a very hard time for America and its citizens. After the Industrial Revolution and the Great War came the Great Depression. The economy was crashing, and crashing fast; the stock market crashed twice in one week, thousands of people were laid off, and businesses went bankrupt. These were definitely the hardest of times and the people were looking for help. On June 8, 1934, President Franklin D. Roosevelt announces to congress that he intended to provide a program for Social Security. He created the Committee on Economic Security to study the entire problem of the economy and to provide any recommendations that would help congress make a legislative consideration. In early January 1935, the committee gave the report to Roosevelt and on January 17 he presented it to congress. On August 14, 1935 the Social Security Act was pass into law by President Roosevelt. The act was to help people in need of general welfare and pay retired worker s age 65 or older a continuing income after retirement. The program later change to include unemployment insurance, old-age assistance, aid to dependant children, and grants to states for medical care. In 1939, the program was amended to include payments to the spouse and minor children and survivors benefits pay in the event the worker suffered a premature death. This is pretty much what Americans know as Social Security today and the program has been relatively unchanged since it was stared over sixty years ago (Social Security History). This program was definitely needed during these hard times; no one can really argue that. However, most people today discuss Social Security more than ever: it is argued in congress, it is talked about on the news, and it is debated in political elections. Americans feel that they can do better investing their hard-earned money t...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Accounting theory in Australia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Accounting theory in Australia - Essay Example My reflection is based upon Watt and Zimmerman's contention that the managers of a firm will attempt to utilise methodologies to avoid taxes and dividendsIn this vein I waspreoccupied reflecting upon and reading on the Enron disaster and how numbers can not be seen as neutral and unbiasedTaking this course changed my perceptions about the very pith and substance of how I would ever perceive numbers.After taking this course I realised that numbers like words and conduct and can be just as easily manipulated by the human mind.Therefore they will be seldom neutral and unbiased.One of the most revealing moments were when I was able to see that even share valuation will be subject to novel accounting methodologies.For example I was able to see that in valuation of shares there would likely be an involvement of a lot of paper work in accounting terms in order to adjust the Capital Gains Tax valuations for rebasing and indexation purposes ,assess Inheritance Tax on shares and also assess th e situation now with employee share schemes.It was seen that there might be a biased view of accounting when the share valuation will have to account for It was seen many times that by choosing certain accounting techniques it would be possible to see a certain bias emerging.For example while using the Asset based approach it was seen to ignore factors like Industry prospects ,Management quality / stability ,Growth potential ,Competitive bidding and the alternative opportunities for the company being valued for tax purposed to avoid paying large amounts of tax money to the Inland Revenue .Infact it was possible to see a conflict of views here where as many times what seemed like creative accounting reminded me of biased accounting .It was learnt that the process of attempting to bias accounts is often referred to as 'creative accounting'. which often attacked for not being neutral and ethical as some techniques can cause bias: 1. Revenue may be recorded too early. In particular revenue from sales may be recorded in the accounts before the sale is agreed. 2. Bogus revenues may be recorded. For example refunds from suppliers might be recorded as revenues. 3. Profits from recurring business may be artificially boosted by the inclusion of one-off gains. Also losses from recurring business might be described as non-recurring. 4. Current expenses could be allocated to a later period. This could take the form of depreciating or amortizing too slowly. 5. Future expenses may be shifted to a current period. For example depreciation or amortization may be too rapid. 6. There may be a failure to record all liabilities. 7. Current income may be allocated to a later period. 8. Unrealistic valuations might be given to inventories. 9. Unrealistic bad debt provisions could be made. 10. Items may be held 'off-balance sheet'. Infact it is worth mentioning the hazards of careless accounting as learnt from the Enron Saga. For the purposes of accounting practices the most important thing to analyse is that who exactly in the accountancy/auditing profession should have taken responsibility for the shortcomings in the accounting records .These accountants were clearly abusing their authorities as watchdogs for shoddy practices and instead they perpetrated fraud on the investors.. The Statement of Accounting Standards 100 clearly allocates responsibility to auditors in the matter of financial statements 'the responsibility for the preparation of the financial statements is that of the directors of the entity'. In this vein I learnt that accounting is a profession requiring much responsibility.The should be able to scrutinise and guard any financial wrong doing on behalf of the directors with regard to Auditing and Accounting Standards. It is evident from the events leading up to Enron

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Schindlers List Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Schindlers List - Movie Review Example World War II has just begun and Polish army has been torn apart by Germany. Oskar Schindler, brilliantly portrayed by Liam Neeson, is a sadly unsuccessful businessman who arrives in Crakow hoping he may make use of the sudden increase in free manpower resulting from the population of the concentration camps, to set up a manufacturing unit for direct supply of goods to the German Army. Schindler is a member of the Nazi league, and is well aware of the right strings to pull and the right pockets to contribute to. Schindler soon gets around to acquiring a factory for production of army kits as is his plan. Ben Kingsley plays Itzhak Stern, "a man with the face and manner of a Talmudic scholar" (Steven Zaillian, Schindler's List) who is a functionary in the local Judenrat (Jewish Council) with contacts in the Jewish business community in the Ghetto. On his insistence, they agree to loan Schindler the money he needs. And in return they get a small share of products produced by the new company for trade on the black market. Work begins in Schindler's factory. Stern takes care of the matters of administration. In a well thought move, he suggests to Schindler that it would make more sense for the fledgling factory to depend on Jewish manpower as opposed to Poles. One of the benefits of work in Schindler's factory is that the employees are allowed outside the ghetto. Now Stern, in his capacity, ensures that as many of them as possible are reported as "essential" to the Nazi bureaucracy. In a subtle shade, we come to know that although Schindler is aware of what is going on, he does not try t o curb this. A very visible influence of the pre war take on the economics of successful business activity is evident in the portrayal of the running of Schindler's factory. The choice of workers also displays this influence, given the preference for Jews. This is a consequence of the pretty convenient fact that Jews are paid less, resulting in savings for the factory, although as the movie progresses, it becomes quite evident that profit making took second priority in the mind of at least one of the two men. In a fresh angle to the exploitative labor practices, the Jews themselves are paid nothing; all the wages go to the Reich. The movie gives us a fresh and at times depressing insight into the atrocious living conditions of the people. The Jews in the camps, as in the town are subjected to all kinds of torturous treatment. This is very well highlighted in one scene where Schindler enters a hotel, with a very suggestive sign saying ""No Jews or Dogs Allowed". Another very appealing scene shows the initial roll call and checkup of the inmates where they are paraded naked, man, woman and child alike. In some editions of the movie, this scene has been removed. Following airing of a largely uncut edition of the movie on NBC, Tom Coburn, then a congressman, stated that by airing the film, NBC had brought television "to an all-time low, with full-frontal nudity, violence and profanity", adding that airing the film was an insult to "decent-minded individuals everywhere"(Associated Press). Under fire from fellow Republicans as well as from Democrats, Coburn apologized for his outrage. Such insights have served in creating awareness in the people about the objectionable conditions brought about by war and its ravages. Politically these incidences, as has the war itself,