Monday, September 30, 2019

History of Lithuania Essay

The country of Lithuania had originated in the in the 12th century during the reign of Mindaugas in which became the king of the state in during 1251. In 1325 due matrimony, another individual became the King of Poland Ladislaus II who was able to unite the countries of Poland and Lithuania. By 1410, the Polish and Lithuanians together were able to defeat groups of Teutonic Knights at the Tannenberg who were extremely powerful during that those times. In the period of the 14th and 16th century the states of Lithuania and Poland was one of the largest Empires in Europe that encompasses that spaces from the Black Sea up until the Moscow region. In the past, the countries of Lithuania and Poland had made a union which lasted for approximately 200 years. The countries formally united within in 1569. The countries of Austria, Prussia and Russia detached from Poland during the years of 1772 until 1795. For the reason that Poland was divided into several states, Lithuania was left to be ruled under Russia. As Russia was ruled over Lithuania, it tried to immerse their newly acquired country into the Russian language and culture. However, there had become a rise of anti-Russian protests. After the collapse of Russia throughout the World War I, Lithuania have declared their independence but still under another foreign assistance—Germany in 1918. (infoplease n. p. ) In 1940, the Republic of Lithuania was taken over by the Soviet Union. Starting one June 1941 until 1944 German Troops were able to occupy the state of Lithuania therefore, the Lithuanian army served the World War II in representation of Germany. As a consequence, there were estimated 240,000 Jews were slaughtered for the period of the Nazi Regime. Again, Soviets were able to invade Lithuania during 1944. (infoplease n. p. ) In 1988, the movements for the Lithuanian independence have again emerged again. The non-communist leader of the largest and most popular Lithuanian movement (Sajudis) Vytautas Landsbergis became the elected president of the again newly independent state of Lithuania. By the day in which the new president was elected, the Supreme Council of the Republic of Lithuania has declared that they are rejecting the Soviet ruling and are in preparation to restore the independence of the state. Because of the decision to restore independence, the Soviet Union immediately imposed economic sanction. However, after a while the sanction was lifted through a â€Å"face-saving compromise. † (infoplease n. p. ) With the state of Lithuania’s decision to be independent, the state was immediately recognized by various key European countries as well as the United States and other nations. In September of 1991, at last the Soviet Union have accepted and recognized the independence of the former Baltic States. Finally in the 17th September 1991, the United Nations have admitted the newly independent states. Also during these time, the successful implementation of various legislative and structural reforms helped Lithuania to attract numerous direct foreign investments. The investments and interest of the various foreign investors had paved the way for Lithuania to have development and ride the waves through the international economy. (infoplease n. p. ) During the year 2001, Lithuania had finally accepted the offer of membership made by European Union (EU) and North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and formally joined the two international organizations in the year 2004. In the year 2003, Valdas Adamkus an incumbent President was beaten by Rolandas Parksas during the presidential election. Adamkus became very upset and disappointed with the results of the election because it was Adamkus was the person responsible in the entry of Lithuania to the EU and NATO. However in the month of April in the year 2004, Paksas was ejected from the presidential seat due to the various issues and one of those were his investigated connections among Russian mobsters. This issue brought by Paksas became the most devastating political crisis which invaded the state of Lithuania since its independence since the Soviet Union’s ruling. After the removal of Paksas in the office, Adamkus was again elected to the presidential seat. (infoplease n. p. ) Current Demographics and Socioeconomic Status: The formal name of Lithuania is Republic of Lithuania or Lietuvos Respublika in their local language. The state of Lithuania is located within the Eastern Europe which is bordering the Baltic Sea, Russia (227 kilometers), Latvia (576 kilometers), and Belarus (680 kilometers). The territory of Lithuania has a total of 65,300 square kilometres and could be closely compared to the size of West Virginia however the republic state is somewhat larger (CIA n. p). The landscape of Lithuania is known to be predominantly has a flat lands however it is mostly containing fertile lands which are very suitable for agricultural industries. There are two varieties of hills which is located in the north and southern part of the country. Although there are two hills within the territory of Lithuania, there is no land form which could be closely compared to mountains because the hills were only an average of 500 feet. The highest of the hills is the Juozapines Hill which is 958 feet located near the border of Belarus. In addition, the country is mostly covered with woodland and forests. (Bultje 11) The coast line of Lithuania is located near the Baltic Sea (62 milers away) which is in the western part of the state. The coastline of the territory is composed of an excessively amount of sandbar which is about 2 miles wide which the have called Curonian Spit while the water linking the sandbar and the mainland is called Curonian Lagoon. Lithuania is known to have numerous rivers within its rivers. One of the most known rivers in Lithuania is Neman River or the Memel in the German Language. The Neman is the longest river in Lithuania which is 582 miles from Belarus and flows until the city of Kaunas and then it finally go through the Baltic Sea. Other rivers in Lithuania are Neris and Ventra. Although there are many rivers which are available most of the rivers are not passable by boat. There are 3,000 lakes in the territory which are most located in the eastern part of Lithuania. The largest lake in the country is Druksiai (17. sq. m. ) but the deepest is Tauragnas (198 ft). (Bultje 12) The climate in the country of Lithuania is known to be reasonably mild however; it differs within the inland and the coastal areas. In the location of the coastal regions it mostly has maritime temperatures—meaning the weather in the winter and summer is not far from each other. In addition, humidity is also fairly high. The central regions of Lithuania have a continental temperature in which it has specific seasons. Similar to other countries, the climates vary from summer and winter but the state only has a few rainfalls. During the summer time, which is from the months of May to August, the temperatures in the central region could reach the temperature of 86  °F but in the coastal areas it is typically cooler than the inland temperature. The winter in Lithuania is usually longer than the summer time. The winter season is during November to March where in there is a harsh frost and thick white snow often lies on the ground. Often, the numerous lakes become frozen. In addition, there are snowstorms and freezing rains which are likely to occurring during these months. In the eastern part of the country, the weather usually gets colder than other parts of the country. The temperature of in the eastern region could drop up to 13  °F. In comparison to the summer seasons where in the coastal areas are mostly temperate in the coastal areas, the winter season makes the coastal areas much colder. Compared to the winter season, spring is extremely short. During the month of April where in the snow has already melted the flowers and plants immediately pops out from the ground. The autumn season starts in the September which is has low temperature with a mixture of low temperature. (Bultje 13)

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Cultural Meaning Essay

The meaning humans give to actions, concepts and behaviours is dependent on the cultural milieu and is conditioned to a great extent by the underlying meaning systems, values and frames of meaning he/she inherites from the society in general. Socialization plays a direct role in that process. Education, effects of peers and the intellectual atmosphere all contribute to what is called cultural meaning or systems of meaning. Cultural meaning conditions our perception and determines the way we process external perceptions. In this sense, what Gregory Bateson calls â€Å"an ecology of mind† is at work here. The mind acts in an ecology of preceding concepts, comments and semantic networks operating in a particular field and in society as well. Through these networks meaning is produced within a particular person, system, or culture. This meaning then frames and motivates the actions of individuals and groups. â€Å"Events are not just there and happen, but they have a meaning and happen because of that meaning,† wrote Clifford Geertz. Meaning is also historically formed. For example; body image varies across cultures and is shaped by the specific meaning given to it by a culture. There is a time dimension involved in this same process, too. Western societies tend to value slim and fit bodies in terms of representation in popular culture. Whereas, body images of other cultures are very different in most cases. Some Pacific island people prefer fatness both as a sign of wealth and of esthetic superiority. But with the advent of globalization and the expansion of western cultural codes through TV and other media, these same people have come to question their body images. Western culture’s meaning system expanded its sphere of influence in that case. In fact, a mild fatness was accepted as a desirable physical trait in western history, too. Much of what is classified under popular culture is subject to meaning systems and the accompanying perceptions about them. A society’s selective perceptions and evaluations favor a certain behavior, a mode of thought and even such ephemeral things as fashion fads. Famous anthropologist Clifford Geertz suggests that an analysis of culture must also cope with the category of meaning. â€Å"The culture concept to which I adhere . denotes an historically transmitted pattern of meanings embodied in symbols, a system of inherited concepts expressed in symbolic forms by means of which men communicate, perpetuate, and develop their knowledge about and attitudes toward life. † As is understod from this definition, meaning is an inseparable component of culture and it directly shapes our perceptions and understanding. Alternative meaning systems combine to give a culture its core values. As a cultural phenomenon, gift giving may be evaluated from that pespective looking at different cultures and their subjective meaning systems attributed to this practice. As can be deduced from David R. Counts’ article , some cultures see the act of gift giving in a radically different way. Reciprocity brings about a gift giving approach that is essentially different from ours. The people of New Guinea think gift giving must include a symmetry in that you also have to respond to the act of gift giving by giving something in return for the one you received. It is a kind of implied bargain, or shopping through barter more to say. In the lack of formal rules and practices of trade, the natives created their own concept of reciprocal gift giving as a means of doing trade. From a western point of view, the meanings ascribed to gift giving are very different, though. But New Guineans have refined this form of gift giving through centuries and created this particular meaning system. Western culture sees gift giving as away from commercial thoughts. Though reciprocity is emphasized again, the hints of mutual give-and-take are shunned carefully lest monetary concerns come between. Western culture’s refusal of this kind of gift giving and its derisory look at the issue are witnessed through some sayings and idioms. The term â€Å"Indian giver† is one such example. A network of meanings developed through centuries of experience emerges as cultural meaning. It becomes a culture’s core over time and forms the basis also of other attitudes. Western culture makes one think there are indeed too many bananas, whereas in New Guinea there can not be too many bananas at all. Another cultural phenomenon seen through the different lenses of various cultures is leadership. Leadership is also loaded with cultural meanings and values. In general, eastern cultures are said to put much emphasis on social harmony and collective action. Respect to elders, family ties are given importance in these cultures. Leaders in these cultures are expected to be humble, caring and considerate thinking about the well-being of their followers. In this sense, they are seen as somewhat paternalistic figures. They are required to show mercy and understanding towards inferiors, to care for the problems of those they lead. Whereas, in western culture a competitive society is preferred and leaders are thought to be assertive, highly competitive and efficient decision makers. Humane considerations do not seem to play great role in this scheme. Efficiency and beneficial results matter more than paternalistic protection of subordinates. So, one who is accepted in the West as a good leader may be perceived as a ruthless go-getter obsessed with his egotistic views in the East. Cultural meaning acquired through immediate experience and classified into an unwritten code of ethics, appears as the determinant of perceptions about power and leadership. In contrast, a western look may detect an apathetic, lethargic society in the East viewing the style of leadership there as suffocating innovation and development. These two seemingly irreconcilable views about the same concept result from the respective meaning systems of the two cultures. Leaving aside the theoretical concerns over the validity of the broad-based concept culture, it is possible to derive conclusions after comparing differences between meaning systems of societies. Culture as a web of meaning systems is observed best in such comparisons. I would like to quote here a passage from Clifford Geertz who is among those attributing great singificance to culture as a system of meanings. † The concept of culture I espouse . . . is essentially a semiotic one. Believing, with Max Weber, that man is an animal suspended in webs of significance he himself has spun, I take culture to be those webs, and the analysis of it to be therefore not an experiential science in search of law but an interpretive one in search of meaning. . . . Meaning, that elusive and ill-defined pseudoentity we were once more than content to leave philosophers and literary critics to fumble with, has now come back into the heart of our discipline. † New Guineans asserted their view on gift giving and that’s what struck westerners most as strange. In the other case of Fiji girls experiencing problems with their body image, western culture’s meaning system can be said to intrude upon the culture-and hence meaning system- of Fiji through the images brought by mass media. Culture is an ambient, all encompassing structure composed of interrelated and interdependent meaning systems. There are both implied and overt systems of meaning in a culture and they can be grasped through socialization. As I tried to show with respect to the phenomena of gift giving and leadership, specific meaning systems forming a culture condition our perceptions and how we evaluate certain phenomena. If I am not mistaken, Italian writer Umberto Eco penned a short story protagonist of which is a â€Å"savage† from a distant land who visits a â€Å"developed and civilized† country to observe the mores, customs and habits of the people living there. Of course the apparent irony points to the reversal of the usual relationship between â€Å"savages and the civilized†; it has always been the civilized who observed and analyzed savages but that time roles were exchanged. The savage travels across the lands of the civilized people and, as can be expected in this case, gets surprised much. For the first time, the usually observed, passive one turns a critical gaze toward the usually active observer. It is such a striking idea that the story caught me surprised. I think the irony here explains once again the essence of culture as a web of meanings. The savage walks through streets of cities, analyzes people and their unintelligibly strange habits, behaviors and customs. He is faced with a maze of meanings totally out of reach of his understanding because he is the product of another set of meanings. He has difficulty with interpreting certain behaviors; some of them look funny and others as grotesquely irrational. I think Eco’s wonderful story has many implications for understanding culture and cultural phenomena. When faced with a different culture, all of us become as helpless and stricken as the savage. Devoid of cultural cues to interpret the events taking place around us, we try in these circumstances to find a usual meaning that enables us to grasp the world anew and have a sense of familiarity. We all live out our pesonal narratives in this search for meaning in a maze of seemingly opaque networks of meaning.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Business Proposal Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Business Proposal Paper - Essay Example The paper will intend to provide a detailed business proposal for the reason of starting up a fresh business that is of a gift shop. A comprehensive structure of the business along with the required procedures for starting a fresh business will be explained in the business proposal. The business proposal will provide a lucid comprehension of the entire process of setting up a fresh business. Business Idea The sector of gift shop is learnt to be growing presently in Saudi Arabia but it has also been observed in this respect that the existing gift shops fail to cater to the overall requirements of the customers owing to dearth of innovative competence. Taking this aspect into consideration the business plan to establish a gift shop in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia was developed. The gift shop has been decided to be known to people by the name of ‘Customise your Gift’ and is planned to be situated in one of the renowned shopping malls of Riyadh. The gift shop is expected to cater to the requirements of its respective customers with the help of its unique products as well as services. The gift shop has been planned to offer gift products with a certain unique edge which is believed to prove to be quite appealing for the customers. The shop will offer gift items which will include sketching or portrayal on t-shirts by the customers and even making sculptures or carvings on silver, bronze and silver metal forms. The carvings or the made sculptures will be turned into exclusive pieces of jewelleries by the expert artisans of the shop. The customers will be given the preference of creating customised t-shirts or jewellery with their own respective designs or they will be also provided with the option of selecting designs from the catalogues offered by the shop itself. This exceptional idea of customising gifts particularly in the form of jewellery will provide an innovative edge to the products which will help the gift shop attain competitive advantage over its other competitors. Customise your gift will also aim towards offering certain special services to its respective customers which will include credit card service, gift card, home delivery and even membership cards which can be used for special discounts. Th e facility of online shopping and ordering of products has also been planned

Friday, September 27, 2019

My philosophy of education for learners with special needs Assignment

My philosophy of education for learners with special needs - Assignment Example In order to establish such an environment, I will assume the role of a guide; promote the respect for people and diversity; and give room to the child’s inherent curiosity to direct their learning. When the I acts as a guide, the student’s desire to learn is fulfilled; they learn to find answers, practice previously learnt skills, and discover themselves. Students can be helped to respect and appreciate themselves, their environment and others by being encouraged to share ideas, instilling discipline in them, and by being encouraged to dialogue such as through class meetings. When students are given a chance to study what interests them and what is meaningful to them, they get motivated to learn. The teacher should thus develop a curriculum that revolves around the interests of students and that is pegged on intrinsic motivation. In conclusion, I believe that every child should be given an opportunity to learn in an environment that is safe and that is motivating. Given that every student is unique, I hope to provide an atmosphere that takes into consideration the unique needs of the learners while giving them room for self

Thursday, September 26, 2019

SDLC Application on IT infrastructure of UMUC Student Healthcare Case Study

SDLC Application on IT infrastructure of UMUC Student Healthcare - Case Study Example ervice Clinic by providing a detailed information of the Development Life Cycle including the use of Servers, backups Emailing, Internet Accessibility and Software’s used in Clinical Computer System. An information system can be defined as the use of computer hardware and software to process data into information to solve a problem. The term Clinical Information System (CIS) refers to a group of systems used within a Clinic that support and enhance health care. The CIS comprises two major types of information systems: Clinical Information Systems and Administrative Information Systems. Clinical information systems are large, computerized database management systems that support several types of activities: medical, nursing, laboratory, diagnostic, pharmacy, radiology. Administrative information systems support the process of client care by managing non-clinical, client-related information, including demographics, codes for procedures and insurance. Clinical and administrative information systems may be designed to meet the needs of one or more departments or functions within the organization. They can be implemented as stand-alone systems, or they may work with other systems to provide information sharing and seamless functionality for the users. A SDLC is the traditional method used by organizations for large IT projects. The SDLC entails of sequential processes by which information systems are developed: analysis, design, programming, testing, implementation, and maintenance. A Clinical Information System is a complex system, and Clinic Attendants have a key role to play in practically all phases of its development. The beginning of the (life) cycle is a clear vision of the business process. What do we want to do with the new system? How are we going to do it? What do we need for the system to operate efficiently? So, we must determine the purpose and goals of the project, assure the necessary financial resources, carry out cost-benefit and feasibility

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Marketing Communications campaign - Razed Roof charity Coursework

Marketing Communications campaign - Razed Roof charity - Coursework Example The group of forty people are managed by a team of experts in the company that help in the production of attractive programs which in turn help the company draw effective charities from the larger society. The people that constitute the company belong to both the disabled and young people groups that are trained by the concern to render quality drama and theatre programs to help entertain the public and draw charities for the larger cause. Scripts for the above programs are written and scripted by eminent authors and through proper management and enthusiasm rendered by the management group the people in the organisation gains confidence in performing in the society (Razed Roof, n.d.). The paper herein tends to focus on the designing of effective communication plan for gaining a larger amount of charities from an enhanced marketplace. A Context Analysis Current Awareness Level of Razed Roof in Harlow Awareness about the charitable organization, Razed Roof is high in the Harlow area wh ere the councillor of the region, Sue Livings focuses on helping in drawing large amount of charitable funds from the locality. The councillor states that drawing in large funds from the locality would help the organization in effectively gaining in resources for training the disabled people to perform productively in the functions and performances organised. Moreover the councillor also endeavours to enhance the awareness level of the organisation among large sections of people belonging to different income categories in the region (Harlow Council, n.d.). The significant awareness of the charitable organization in the Harlow area can be traced from the posting made in the online magazine ‘EverytingHarlow’ on 7th June, 2011. It is stated that the performing arts organization, Razed Roof is one of the shortlisted concerns to gain the benefit of the national awards in producing the ‘best art’ campaign that in turn amounts to a large lottery for the organizati on. Enhancement of the awareness of the charitable organization is being conducted by the local MP of the Harlow area, Mr. Robert Halfon by inviting large number of localities to render their vote in favour of the performing arts organisations, Razed Roof. These level of activities conducted in the Harlow area signify the mass awareness of the charitable organization in the stated region (EverythingHarlow, 2011). Further a chronology of volunteering events in the Harlow area reflects the amount of charitable funds gained by Razed Roof. During 2011 the group received a volunteer support of around 25,000 Pounds from Heritage Lottery organisation. Similarly during 2010 the charitable organization gained a fund support of around 10,000 Pounds donated by voluntary services rendered by Big Lottery group. In 2007 the organization received a volunteer support of around 19,750 Pounds that was donated by the Arts Council of England. In 2006 also the Council for Arts in England worked to donat e a fund amounting to 15,000 Pounds to Razed Roof organization in regards to funding for a program. The above list reflects the pattern of volunteering

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Critical analysis of life of the species Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Critical analysis of life of the species - Essay Example And the affairs mentioned by the author are relation of the sexes, the generation, and the nourishment of the offspring. And it is through the significance of sexuality in the life of species and how this sexual impulse helps to establish the feeling of love and care for the offspring. So the major emphasis of the writer is on the importance of sexuality for procreation and the parental love for the preservation. According to the writer the excessive love of the parents for their offspring is the basic conception behind this excerpt. Physical intimacy and sexual affairs are supposed to be the most delicate part of all human relations. Man carefully selects his partner for the fulfillment of his sexual impulse and thus the passionate love takes place. While discussing about the two abstract nouns which are related to the subject i.e. will and the intellectuality, here the author compared the will with the root of the tree, and the intellectuality is compared with the crown. Of course these are the abstract conceptions which are inward and psychological. Outwardly and according to the physiologically the organs which are related to these abstract things are more important and they are the genitals and head. Thus the abstract thing that is will, is fulfilled by the means of the concrete organ such as genitals and the abstract intellectual thing is fulfilled by the head. Here human body is very important for fulfilling the psychological needs. So the author wants to say that the fulfillment of the psychological thin gs is only possible by the body. Here the importance of the body is revealed by the author. Thus the sexual impulse is to be regarded as the inner impulse. The author thus explains about the sexual desire and how it is harmful to castrate this craving. Such castration means degradation of his power of mind and body. Here the author opines that sexual impulse is very essential for the proper physical and psychological

Monday, September 23, 2019

Article Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 15

Review - Article Example To formulate an effective plan one must assess prior disaster experiences since the risks vary in size, location, industry, and business size. It is sad to note that businesses fail to formulate a contingency plan for the unexpected event. According to the Disaster Recovery Preparedness Council Survey, at the end of 2013 more than 70 percent of businesses acquire dismal grades in terms of disaster preparedness. The author surveys 100 small businesses in New Jersey, Connecticut, and New York after disaster of Hurricane Sandy and the report reveals that two thirds of the businesses do not have disaster recovery plan in place. Scarinci(2014) says that in October 2012, Hurricane Sandy causes major devastation in New York especially in borough of Staten Island’s many small businesses struggle to recover. After the disaster small business owners, assess the loss and identify the requirements to reopen their businesses as well as apply for financial assistance. Most of the small business owners that try open to their businesses realize that planning is crucial to facilitate the recovery process and prepare for future disasters. In addition to that, the business owners do not understand disaster preparedness since it is a topic that overwhelms them. Small businesses in Staten Island rely on limited assistance due to limited resources. CPAs in the area can provide audit services, tax, financial services. CPAs offer advice on growth, planning, retirement, contingency, development, and disaster recovery. The survey 1 on disaster recovery plans reveals that respondent CPA firms do not have a contingency plan before the Hurricane Sandy. Some of the businesses assume they do not need a disaster recovery plan since it cannot affect them directly. The most widespread problems on the small businesses include computer viruses, utility outages, and power issues. It is positive to note that most of the small businesses

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Writing book process Essay Example for Free

Writing book process Essay Many don’t understand how the process to write a book, they believe it is challenging to create an original piece. Although it is actually pretty simple, you just have to add your insights and let your context add information to change it up a bit. E.B White does this by composing essays with his own insights, of events which relate and he just goes off rambling about a topic but then ends up relating it to the main idea of the essay so the reader is able to see a different perspective about the topic while seeing a different insight which they might have never thought of before. As White relates it back to the main idea he shows the truth behind the event he had been talking about prior and importance to the main idea. An example of this is when White says â€Å"Over a period of thirty years, I have occupied eight caves in New York, eight digs—four in the Village, one on Murray Hill, three in Turtle Bay. In New York, a citizen is likely to keep on the move, shopping for the perfect arrangement of rooms and vistas, changing his habitation according to fortune, whim, and need. And in every place he abandons he leaves something vital, it seems to me, and starts his new life somewhat less encrusted, like a lobster that has shed its skin and is for a time soft and vulnerable.† In Good-Bye to Forty-Eighth Street on page 6 where he is actually talking about how we move on and find new things and new places. Even though these places will end up not working out we should enjoy them and enjoy life in the meanwhile. White wrote this essay relating to the atomic weapons and he said how you will not know when something bad will happen so you should just live and appreciate your life, and through his personal stories one was able to see the importance of realizing that life is short, to live it, doing the things you love to do. A second example is I am reminded of the advice of my neighbor: Never worry about your heart till it stops beating.† I guess I had never watched, my coon descend the tree a hundred ties, even so†(Coon Tree) in this passage White continues with this theme saying how even though it happened so many times then White explains how. When you analyze this you see how it is important to life and happens daily but we don’t realize it usually. Concluding throughout the essay is set up allowing the reader to understand parts and not others when you have to add your idea into it. It is saying how we should at things in a different perspective so you see the complete story.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Show Essay Example for Free

The Show Essay I believe Owen may have meant this to reflect the same situation as that of the majority of the country, and that many people are not involved in the war and prefer to stay emotionally detached from it. Personally, I feel that this creates a certain amount of sadness for the reader because it effectively shows how divided the country may have been even in times of war. This narration style also seems to show sadness from Owen as well, but because the speaker is looking down on the scene, also continues to somewhat trivialise it, continuing the feeling of bitterness that the reader picks up from Owen from many aspects of his poetry. In The Show Owen also ensure that he has a strong ending to the poem, an important technique for him to manipulate our overall thoughts and feelings about the poem, as well as to create the shock that we feel in the final stanza of the poem. One technique he includes to achieve this is the use of repetition. The line Showed me its feet, the feet of many men is one example of this, because the repetition of feet creates a build up of suspense and also puts the thought in the readers mind that it could be emphasising how many pairs of feet (or how many dead bodies) there are lying on the battlefield. The following line And the fresh-severed head of it, my head again uses the repetition of head, but here it is used more to create a shocking ending to the poem, as repeating it together with a pronoun emphasises the shock the speaker feels at finding his head on the floor. The reader feels just as shocked as the speaker does, and as a result it means that we feel more disgusted by the poem. To add to this, in this last couple of lines the style of writing becomes more specific, as we are told that the speaker is seeing his fresh-severed head. This sudden change in writing style from the vague description in the rest of the poem as well as the graphic imagery ensures that we find the end especially disgusting, and the contrast is even more of a shock. I believe this is a clever technique that Owen uses because it means that the heightened disgust ensures that we pity the soldiers and further hate the very idea of war, which I believe is what comes across in many of his poems on the subject. The technique of a contrasting ending is also shown in the poem Dulce et Decorum Est, as in the last stanza the rhythm of the poem changes and becomes more of a rant directed at the reader. This is shown by the use of the word you frequently throughout the final stanza, making it much more personal and much more directly angry. Like The Show, the language also changes in terms of the imagery, with the final stanza of Dulce containing much more graphic imagery, such as white eyes writhing in his face. It has the same effect, in that the reader feels shock at the change in style and disgust at the more horrific language as it becomes easier to visualise. However, the final part of Dulce also emphasises the overall tone of the poem, in that because of the way it feels like a rant, Owens bitterness and resentment strongly shows. This is more of a contrast to The Show because there, the tone of the poem seems continuous all the way through, in that much of it comes across without an obvious tone and this does not change in its final stanza. Overall, I believe that Owen uses a variety of techniques to effectively show his opinions and feelings on war, from anger to resentment and from bitterness to sadness. I feel that many of his poems communicate his feelings to the reader effectively and leave us with many different things to think about. However, I feel that the general feeling Owen had about war was one of intense dislike due to the combination of the main emotions he shows and his obvious distress at the injuries and damage the soldier suffered, and the methods he used successfully portrayed that to the reader.

Friday, September 20, 2019

How Does The Bus Topology Works Information Technology Essay

How Does The Bus Topology Works Information Technology Essay The bus topology is a series of nodes which are all connected to a backbone. Bus networks typically work well for smaller networks and use Ethernet cables for networking. It is easy to maintain and troubleshoot in a bus network. How does the BUS topology works : The bus topology connects each computer on the network into something called the segment trunk. A bus is usually referred to a cable that connects end to end and this is used to transmit the signals from one end to the other end. At every end a terminator is placed so that it understands in which direction the data is traveling and also the terminator is used to absorb the signals Figure 1 : BUS topology ii. Star topology : A star topology is based on a central node which acts as a hub. A star topology is common in homes networks where all the computers connect to the single central computer using it as a hub. How does the Star topology works : A star network features a central connection point called a hub that may be a hub, switch or router. Devices typically connect to the hub with Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) Ethernet. Compared to the bus topology, a star network generally requires more cable, but a failure in any star network cable will only take down one computers network access and not the entire LAN. Figure 2 : Star topology iii. Ring topology : A ring network is circular in shape and every node will have one node on either side of it. The ring topology is rare to come across because of its limitations. If there is damaged cable or breakdown in any one of the nodes then the entire network stops functioning. How does the Ring topology works : A ring network is a network topology in which each node connects to exactly two other nodes, forming a single continuous pathway for signals through each node a ring. Data travels from node to node, with each node along the way handling every packet. Because a ring topology provides only one pathway between any two nodes, ring networks may be disrupted by the failure of a single link. Figure 3 : Ring topology iv. Mesh topology : Mesh topology is a group of nodes which are all connected to each other and many types of connections are possible in a mesh topology How does the Mesh topology works : In a Mesh Network every node is connected to other nodes on the network through hops. Some are connected through single hops and some may be connected with more than one hope. While the data is traveling on the Mesh Network it is automatically configured to reach the destination by taking the shortest route which means the least number of hops. Figure 4 : Mesh topology v. Tree topology: The tree topology is a group of star networks put together. The only difference is that the tree topology follows a hierarchy in structure and the entire tree is dependent on this hierarchy. How does the Tree topology works : Among all the Network Topologies we can derive that the Tree Topology is a combination of the bus and the Star Topology. The tree like structure allows you to have many servers on the network and you can branch out the network in many ways. Figure 5 : Tree topology Task -1 (b) The advantages and disadvantages for each medium of network topology. Some of medium are cat5, cat6, fiber optic, coaxial cable etc. Cat5 : Category 5 cable is a twisted pair high signal integrity cable type often referred to as Cat5 or Cat-5. Most cables are unshielded, relying on the twisted pair design for noise rejection, and some are shielded. Figure 6 : Cat5 Cable This category of UTP cable is the most commonly used cable in present day networks. It consists of four twisted pairs and is used in those Ethernet networks that run at the speed of 100 Mbps. Category 5 cable can also provide a higher speed of up to 1000 Mbps. Cat6 : Category 6 cable, commonly referred to as Cat-6, is a cable standard for Gigabit Ethernet and other network protocols that are backward compatible with the Category 5/5e and Category 3 cable standards. Compared with Cat-5 and Cat-5e, Cat-6 features more stringent specifications for crosstalk and system noise. Figure 7 : Cat6 Advantages : Cat 6 will be very effective in the residential market to support higher Internet access speeds. The better balance of cat6 will make it easier to meet the residential EMC requirements compared to cat 5e cabling. The growth of streaming media applications to the home will increase the need for higher data rates which are supported more easily and efficiently by category 6 cabling. Disadvantages : It transfer data in Gigabytes per seconds. It is costly. Fiber optic cable : Fiber optic cables are made up of glass, and they transmit data in the form of light, unlike the copper wire that uses electrical signals. A reflective coating that allows light beams to travel without outer interference covers the glass cable. Figure 8 : Fiber optic cables The advantages of Fiber optic cables are that signals can be sent at a much higher speed and to very long distances without the risk of outer interference. There are more advantages of fiber optic cables are : System Performance Greatly increased bandwidth and capacity Lower signal attenuation (loss) Immunity to Electrical Noise No crosstalk Lower bit error rates Signal Security Difficult to tap Overall System Economy Low per-channel cost Lower installation cost Disadvantages of fiber optic cable : One problems with optical fibers is that the electrical information signals must be converted (modulated) to light at the transmitter and then down converted (demodulated) from light back to electrical signals at the receiver. The main disadvantage of fiber optics is that the cables are expensive to install and are more fragile than metal wire and are more difficult to split. Coaxial cable : Coaxial cable, or coax, is an electrical cable with an inner conductor surrounded by a tubular insulating layer typically of a flexible material with a high dielectric constant, all of which are surrounded by a conductive layer called the shield, and finally covered with a thin insulating layer on the outside. Figure 9 : Coaxial cable Advantages of coaxial cables are : Coax has a sufficient frequency range to support multiple channels, which allows for much greater throughput. Compared to twisted-pair, coax provides greater bandwidth systemwide, and it also offers greater bandwidth for each channel. Because it has greater bandwidth per channel, it supports a mixed range of services. Voice, data, and even video and multimedia can benefit from the enhanced capacity. Disadvantages of coaxial cables are : More expensive than twisted pairs and is not supported for some network standards (eg token ring), its also very bulky and also has high attenuation so would have the need to implement repeaters etc. Task 1 (c) From our above investigation and determination that BUSS topology is too much vulnerable. Ring topology creates too much redundant link. MASS topology is more expensive and difficult to install. So Star topology will be the best solution for the network of the headquarter of police department in Townsville. Because, according to our investigation here are the key points. Good performance; Reliable (if one connection fails, it doesnt affect others); Easy to replace, install or remove hosts or other devices. There are several medium we have found but we have decided to use Cat6 cable as medium for this network. TASK 2 Task 2 (a) After investigate I have many internet service in my country. The Internet Services are : Broadband Internet Service, Fiber Optic Internet Services, Radio Link Internet Services, WiFi etc. Broadband Internet Service : Broadband Internet access, often shortened to just broadband, is a high data rate Internet access-. Fiber Optic Internet Service : An optical fiber is a glass or plastic fiber that carries light along its length. fiber optics is the overlap of applied science and engineering concerned with the design and application of optical fibers. Radio Link Internet Service : Radio Link Protocol (RLP) is an automatic repeat request (ARQ) fragmentation protocol used over a wireless (typically cellular) air interface WiFi Technology : Wi-Fi works with no physical wired connection between sender and receiver by using radio frequency (RF) technology, a frequency within the electromagnetic spectrum associated with radio wave propagation. When an RF current is supplied to an antenna, an electromagnetic field is created that then is able to propagate through space. The cornerstone of any wireless network is an access point (AP). But I think it will be best to use Fiber Optic Internet Services for the police department of Townsville. Because, it has so many advantages and this may be the best way for the police department of Townsville. Task 2 (b) The police department in Townsville needs an own server to maintain their all information that are so confidential. If they use other server then that confidential data may be lost. Server needs to high configured PC with high speed Internet speed, cooling system (because, all time the server will be opened), a big storages and finally it requires the best and secure operating system such as Linux or Windows 200 Server. There are different people in the headquarter house who needs different type of internet connection based on their designation and responsibility. Here is a comparison list of each person to show what internet connection is required for whom. The Chief Constable The Chief Constable, who is responsible for the policing of that area, needs more powerful configuration than others. He needs 2 MBPS internet speed. The assistant Chief Constable The assistant Chief Constable assist to the Chief Constable and he needs higher configuration than others but lower than the Chief Constable a little bit. It needs 1 MBPS internet speed. District Commander The policing in each district is the responsibility of a district command. They need 512KBPS internet speed. Deputy District Commander The deputy district command assist to the district commander. They need 512 KBPS internet speed. For sergeants and constables Each district has three sergeants and twenty four constables allocated to it. And they need also 512 KBPS internet speed. The police officers Each district has five police car to patrolling the area and responding the incidents. The police officer also patrols the local area on foot. The police officer needs 512 KBPS for it. A large office Each district has its own large office within the headquarters building and requires a workstation for each district commander and for each deputy district commander. They need 512KBPS for their job. Detective Chief Inspector They need 1 MBPS internet speeds also. Because, they need to search, make a report, send and get any information easily and quickly. Detective Inspector The detective inspector assist to the Detective Chief Inspector. So they also heed 1 MPBS internet speeds. The civilian staff The police department also has twenty civilian staff, responsible for general administration work including operating the telephone system and general administration duties. They need 512 KBPS internet speed. Task 2 (c) There are so many Internet Service Provider (ISP) in Bangladesh. Such as : : it has the best package that name Corporate High-Speed Internet. Bangladesh Online : Bijoy Online Limited : Grameen Cyber Net Limited : Dhaka Com : Task 2 (d) I recommend to use for Internet Service Providers (ISP). Because, they have more facilities with low price. TASK-3 Task-3 (a) Characteristics of Private Mobile Radio (PMR) : Provides, for example, taxi firms with local radio communications on a single channel. Communications are half duplex, so this requires strict operating procedures to control conversation (for example use of key words such as over and out). Requires a license from the appropriate government department. Bandwidth and channel availability is limited. Coverage area is limited. Disadvantages of PMR : Lack of privacy as all communications take place on a single channel that anyone with a suitable radio receiver can listen to. Coverage limitations (25 km radius max). Generally, PRM services have only one base station covering the area of operation of the company. If a mobile unit exceeds these boundaries communications are lost. Public Trunked Mobile Radio (PTMR) : PTMR was originally designed for voice communications but it can also support data. It communication area half duplex. Characteristics of PTMR : The prime application suited to PTMR is vehicle fleet communications. Half duplex voice communication is provided, using over and out etc. to control conversation flow. Some PTMR radio sets have a data port, usually RS-232. Data is transmitted at 1.2 Kbit/s. Task-3 (b) Legal requirements are : Requirements of frequencies For omni directional and point to multi-point system Sl Symbol Frequency Range (Lower Limit Exclusive, Upper Limit Inclusive) 1 VLF 3~30 KHz 200.00 2 LF 30~300 KHz 200.00 3 MF 300~3000KHz 200.00 4 HF 3~30 MHz 300.00 5 VHF 30~300 MHz 100.00 6 UHF1 300~1000 MHz 50.00 7 UHF2 1000~3000 MHz 30.00 8 SHF 3~16 GHz 20.00 9 SHF2 EHF1 16~65 GHz 10.00 10 EHF2 65~300 GHz 1.00 1 VLF 3~30 KHz 200.00 2 LF 30~300 KHz 200.00 3 MF 300~3000KHz 200.00 4 HF 3~30 MHz 300.00 5 VHF 30~300 MHz 100.00 6 UHF1 300~1000 MHz 50.00 7 UHF2 1000~3000 MHz 30.00 8 SHF 3~16 GHz 20.00 9 SHF2 EHF1 16~65 GHz 10.00 10 EHF2 65~300 GHz 1.00 1 VLF 3~30 KHz 200.00 2 LF 30~300 KHz 200.00 3 MF 300~3000KHz 200.00 4 HF 3~30 MHz 300.00 5 VHF 30~300 MHz 100.00 6 UHF1 300~1000 MHz 50.00 7 UHF2 1000~3000 MHz 30.00 8 SHF 3~16 GHz 20.00 9 SHF2 EHF1 16~65 GHz 10.00 10 EHF2 65~300 GHz 1.00 1 VLF 3~30 KHz 200.00 2 LF 30~300 KHz 200.00 3 MF 300~3000KHz 200.00 4 HF 3~30 MHz 300.00 For UHF, M/W, EHF point to point links per year basis Sl Frequency Range (Lower Limit Exclusive, Upper Limit Inclusive) 1 UHF 1 ~3 GHz 2 M/W 3 GHz ~16 GHz 3 M/W 16 GHz ~65 GHz 4 M/W 65 GHz ~100 GHz 5 Above 100 GHz Requirements of license Srl Category of Licence License Remarks 01 International Gateway (IGW) Services 4 including BTCL 02 Interconnection Exchange (ICX) Services 3 including BTCL 03 International Internet Gateway (IIG) Services 2 including BTCL 04 Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) 2 05 Cellular Mobile Telecom Operator 6 including Taletalk 06 Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) Operator 14 including BTCL 07 Nationwide Telecommunication Transmission Network (NTTN) Services Provider 2 08 Nationwide Optical Fibre Telecommunication Transmission Network 1 09 Pre-Paid Card Service Operator 2 10 Vehicle Tracking Services 3 11 Internet Protocol Telephony Service Provider Nationwide 26 12 Internet Protocol Telephony Service Provider Central Zone 4 13 Internet Protocol Telephony Service Provider Zonal 3 14 Internet Service Provider Nationwide 101 15 Internet Service Provider Central Zone 81 16 Internet Service Provider Zonal 54 17 Internet Service Provider Category A 102 18 Internet Service Provider Category B 16 19 Internet Service Provider Category C 5 20 VSAT User 53 21 VSAT Provider 14 22 VSAT Provider with HUB 5 23 Call Centre 315 24 Hosted Call Centre 58 25 Hosted Call Centre Service Provider 47 26 International Call Centre 2 Total Number of Present Licenses 925 Task-3 (c) Requirements of some equipment are : Space/Ground/Land; House/Room; Wireless; Handsets; Cable; Transmitter etc. The estimation cost for everything to setup this system Frequency cost 200 taka or more for per Khz in per year. Equipment cost around 1000000 taka. So, total estimating cost around 10,000000 or above. Task-3 (d) Limitation of PMR : Lack of privacy; Coverage limitations (25 km radium max); Congestion, as many users are assigned to a single channel. Limitation of PTMR : It has time limitation, if large amounts of data have to be transmitted. Task-3 (e) I recommend using Private Mobile Radio (PMR) to set up voice communication. Because, it has not noise, cost efficiency, frequency rate good, international standard, Confidentiality etc. TASK 4 Task 4 (a) The main equipment that would be installed are : Telephone instruments. Private Branch Exchanges (PBXs). Key Telephone Systems (KTSs). Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) systems. Voice Processing Systems. Telephone Answering Machines. Telephone Call Information Loggers (CIL). Facsimile Machines. Modems. Local Area Network (LAN) Bridges. Local Area Network (LAN) Routers. Multiplexers. Task 4 (b) The available features for this systems are : PBXs A private branch exchange (PBX) is a telephone exchange that serves a particular business or office, as opposed to one that a common carrier or telephone company operates for many businesses or for the general public. PBXs are also referred to as: * PABX private automatic branch exchange * EPABX electronic private automatic branch exchange Figure 10 How PBX works Features of PBXs : Account Code: Account code for dialing calls Alternate Number Ring: Assign a different number to same line that rings with a different cadence Attendant: Main Operator extension Autodialer: Support multiple autodialing techniques Automatic Attendant PBX Automatic Line Selection Automatic Hold PBX Automatic Redial Automated directory: Automatically connect to an extension by name Automatic Call Distribution: ACD Barge-In: Allow an extension to break into a call at another extension Billed Calls Only: Outgoing calls must be collect or 3rd-party billed Boss-secretary functions: The bosses phone and the secretarys phone are linked togheter PBX Busy Ring Call Back Call Center: Organizations using PBX technology Call Forwarding: Redirects all incoming calls towards other extension Call Monitoring Call Recording Call Return: Call Through: Service for savings on local interconnect charges Call Transfer: Hand a call off to another extension Call Trace: mark a call in system logs as requiring tracing or special attention Call Park: Place a call on hold and allow anyone to dial an extension and take the call Call Pickup: Take a parked call off hold KTSs A key system or key telephone system is a multiline telephone system typically used in small office environments. Key was a Bell System term of art for a manually operated switch, such as the line-buttons on the phones associated with such systems. A key system was originally distinguished from a private branch exchange (PBX) in that it allowed the station user to see and control the calls directly, manually, using lighted line buttons. Key systems are noted for their expandability and having individual line selection buttons for each connected phone line, however some features of a private branch exchange such as dialable intercoms may also commonly be present. Key systems can be built using three principal architectures: * Electromechanical shared-control * Electronic shared-control * Independent keysets The features of KTSs : 1. AUTOMATED ATTENDANT/VOICE ANNOUNCEMENT allows you to record a greeting (20 second maximum) that the incoming caller will hear after one ring. The caller may then select one of the options offered in the recording which will ring the extension of the desired party. A typical business recording might be Thank you for calling 2. AUTOMATIC FAX RECOGNITION when utilizing the AUTOMATED ATTENDANT, the system will recognize an incoming fax, and will automatically route to the fax machines extension. This feature saves you money by freeing up dedicated fax lines for voice or other uses. 3. AUTO ANSWER allows extensions with a key phone to receive internal intercom calls directly through their speaker phone without having to pickup the handset. 4. INTERCOM allows private communication between system users. IPS Key Telephones can dial another internal extension by simply pressing the button or key associated with the other extension . 5. DIRECT CALLER ACCESS TO EXTENSIONS when utilizing the AUTOMATED ATTENDANT, the incoming caller may, upon hearing the recorded greeting, connect to any desired extension by dialing the three digit extension number (100 to 107 on the IPS308, 100 to 115 on the IPS416) 6. SYSTEM PROGRAMMING VIA PC OR PHONE one of the most significant features of the IPS is the ability to program its features utilizing the IPS programming software. The softwares graphics, help menus, and cue cards make programming simple from start to finish. 7. CALLER ID (requires caller id option and an IPS Key Telephone) displays incoming caller name and number on all Key Telephones with display. 8. MUSIC ON HOLD a micro-mini input port on the IPS may be connected to any external music source (tape, CD, radio, or continuous play advertising message) to provide background sound for incoming callers while transferring to a desired extension or while remaining on hold. 9. ALARM CLOCK allows an extension to preset a specified time for a reminder ring or wake-up call. Task 4 (c) The cost of equipment and installation : There are user who will use these equipments The Chief Constable The assistant Chief Constable District Commander Deputy District Commander Sergeants and constables The police officers Detective Chief Inspector Detective Inspector The civilian staff Equipment Users with quantity Quantity Price (tk) Telephone instruments The Chief Constable 5 The assistant Chief Constable 3 District Commander 3 Deputy District Commander 3 Sergeants and constables 3 The police officers 2 Detective Chief Inspector 4 Detective Inspector 3 The civilian staff 2 28 70,000 Private Branch Exchanges (PBXs) The Chief Constable 1 Detective Chief Inspector 1 2 1,58,482 Key Telephone Systems (KTSs) The Chief Constable 1 The assistant Chief Constable 1 District Commander 1 Deputy District Commander 1 Sergeants and constables 1 The police officers 1 Detective Chief Inspector 1 Detective Inspector 1 The civilian staff 1 9 15,752 Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) systems The Chief Constable 1 The assistant Chief Constable 1 Chief Inspector 1 Detective Inspector 1 4 9252 Voice Processing Systems The Chief Constable 1 The assistant Chief Constable 1 District Commander 1 Deputy District Commander 1 Detective Chief Inspector 1 Detective Inspector 1 6 1,72,000 Telephone Answering Machines The Chief Constable 1 The assistant Chief Constable 1 District Commander 1 Deputy District Commander 1 Detective Chief Inspector 1 5 15,000 Telephone Call Information Loggers (CIL) The Chief Constable 1 The assistant Chief Constable 1 District Commander 1 The police officers 1 Detective Chief Inspector 1 5 44,5000 Facsimile Machines The Chief Constable 1 Detective Chief Inspector 1 2 5,500 Modems The Chief Constable 1 The assistant Chief Constable 1 District Commander 1 Deputy District Commander 1 Sergeants and constables 1 The police officers 1 Detective Chief Inspector 1 Detective Inspector 1 The civilian staff 1 9 36,000 Local Area Network (LAN) Bridges Just two bridges can be supported for all. 2 10,500 Local Area Network (LAN) Routers Just two routers can be supported for all. 2 45,00 Multiplexers 5 1,17,250 Total Cost : 754784.00 Task 4 (d) The cost of operating the system : Actually this system will be so much benefited. It needs so much high configuration system. The estimated cost for this system about 7,54,784.00 taka or more. Task 4 (e) I described both of two systems. But I will recommend to use PBXs. Because, it has so many advantages. The advantages of PBX are : 1. It is much easier to install and configure than a normal home line. Anyone that can handle a computer and is familiar with Windows features can install it. If you are familiar with networking computers is in good shape. You dont have to have someone come out to your location and install and hook things up. It is in your hands and not in someone elses. 2. It is easier to manage. IP PBX can be managed in a web based configuration interface or a GUI. This allows you to fine tune and maintain you phone system. Once again, if you are dealing with a regular home line you have to rely on a technician. 3. Significant cost savings when you use voip service providers. This is a big deal right now as we are all trying to cut back and save money. You can easily connect phone systems between branches and make free phone calls. 4. You can eliminate phone wiring. This is something that can bring a comfort to a business owner. Software phones can be installed directly onto the computer. You can now have much more control over adding and moving of extensions in your office. In new offices you can eliminate the extra ports completely. 5. Eliminate vendor lock in. This is exciting because you are now taking your phone services into your own hands and you dont have to make decisions based on one company. You can mix and match in order to gain the best savings. Task 5 Police Department Automation To, Police Department Headquarter Introduction: To develop a new automation system for Townsville Police Department I have investigate to find the best network topology among many topologies and recommend one topology that suits best for police department. Summary: In the above investigation I have tried to find the most convenient system for police department. Here are the key points that I found: Among various topologies Star Topology will be the best solution to setup the network for the police department. Investigating the best network medium for the network. Investigating for best internet connection and connection that may require operating the system smoothly. Investigating in details the methods of operating two-way voice communication, the legal requirements to setup two-way voice communication, costs, limitation of each system etc. The main equipment for the telephone system that would be installed, each systems features, cost of equipment installation and operating it. Strength of this report: The strengths of the report are: There are many networks type I have shown, we can easily determine which one is best for this type network Details breakdown Well organized and readable and understandable by non-technical people. Costs break-down of the system setup. Weekness of this report: There some weakness in my report and investigation. To collect data I have faced many difficulties. Also there is no system in my country that run this or similar type network. I could do well if could get some more time. Assumption: Costs Some network equipments etc. Conclusion When I was doing this assignment, I got many difficulties which I got solved from discussion with others and from my teacher help. I have tried to gather as much as detailed information.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Decline of the Muslim Empires: Safavid, Ottoman, and Mughal Essay

Decline of the Muslim Empires: Safavid, Ottoman, and Mughal Since the beginning, all empires have faced change in many ways, declining and rising in status. Many empires have collapsed, only to start again under a different name. Like all empires, the three Muslim Empires, the Ottomans, Safavids, and Mughals have faced this inevitable state. Although each individual empire is different, they each have similarities in their reasons for decline. Whether it is social, religious, economic, or political reasons, the empires, like many others, have fallen. The Ottoman Empire, founded by Osman, had started in the northwestern corner of the Anatolian Peninsula. The empire expanded rapidly, only to weaken again. The first visible decline was the loss of territory at the Battle of Carlowitz in 1699. Many of their reasons of success have deteriorated over the years and actually caused the decline as well. The Ottoman's military was very strong, especially the members of the Janissaries corps. Boys were recruited from the local Christian population to serve as guards but only the best ones became Janissaries. Soon, though, the position became hereditary, so there was no longer a need to be excellent to occupy a position. Also, the training of officials declined, and the elite formed a privileged group seeking wealth and power. Although the Ottoman system was religiously tolerant, non-Muslims were forced to pay a head tax because of their exemption from military service and were divided by religious faith into a number of "nations" that had i ts own leader and laws. Also, before the decline, the position of the sultan was hereditary and a son always succeeded his father. The heir to the throne gained experience by being assigned a... ...itish control. Although all three of the empires had reached their highest point and were considered to be three great Muslim empires, all of them had started the process of decline. Aurangzeb's actions can illustrate some of the reasons for decline. Without religious tolerance, the empire started having a number of revolts against the imperial authority. By forbidding customs of other religions and everything he considered evil, rebellious groups reasserted local authority, reducing the emperor's power. After causing the weakness of his empire, Delhi was reduced to ashes by the Persians. During and after his rule, everything started to fall apart. This comes to show that one lousy ruler can be the reason for decline in any empire because in order for the empire to be successful, it must have a good ruler, wealth, a strong military, and religious tolerance.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Media Should NOT Define our Self-Image Essays -- Adverts, Advertis

Do we choose to define ourselves? Everyday we turn on the television; we are subjected to advertisements about what we are supposed to be, what we are supposed to wear, and even what we are supposed to drive. Ultimately we choose the vehicles we drive, but the media has a huge influence on us. Three television advertisements reveal the vehicles women and men are believed to drive. The Honda Odyssey is shown in advertisements with a woman driving around kids to their daily functions. The Ford F150 and the Chevy Silverado are shown with men four wheeling through the hills. Advertisements tell us what roles we are â€Å"supposed† to play in society. In reality men and women’s roles in society have greatly changed from the past, but television advertisements do not represent these changes. Vans are depicted as â€Å"mom vehicles† and trucks are â€Å"dad or man vehicles.† When a vehicle manufacturer comes out with a new model of van they usually depict a women driving around, with a vehicle full of kids. She drops the kids off and picks them up, she then proceeds to move around all of the seats illustrating to the consumer all that this new van has to offer. It is all work and no play for moms in the working world. When a new model of the Ford F150 or the Chevy Silverado comes out, advertisements usually depict a man four-wheeling through the hills demonstrating the durability and power of the vehicle. Ford’s motto is â€Å"Built Ford Tough† and Chevy’s motto is â€Å"Like a Rock.† Thes...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Book Report on Nickled and Dimed

Victoria Conrardy Mrs. Lord A. P. English 11 February 21, 2013 AP Book Project Part One Introduction 1. Title-Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America is significant because Ehrenreich does explain how many do â€Å"survive† off of minimum wage which really is not much. 2. Author-Barbara Ehrenreich is seventy-one years of age and is a widely-read and award-winning  columnist  and  essayist, and author of 21 books which include: Blood Rites; The Worst Years of Our Lives; and Fear of Falling. 3.Persona- Ehrenreich persona is described as credible because she displays her story through real events because she admits to have mildly conquered her challenge of testing to see how complex it is for the working class. She proves her theory by stating â€Å"[Someone ought to do the old-fashioned kind of journalism-you know, go out there and try it for themselves. ]† in the Introduction section. 4. Passage- Ehrenreich, Barbara. †Serving in Florida. â€Å"Nicke l and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America. New York: Henry Holt and Company, LLC, 2001. 11-49. Print 5.Prompt Selection- Prompt One-Read the chapter you selected and then write an essay analyzing the rhetorical techniques the author uses to convey his or her attitude toward the subject. Part Two: Passage Analysis How you ever wondered why your parent’s always made you clean the house â€Å"the right way† or why they keep nagging you to clean up the simplest messes? They just wanted you to appreciate what they have provided for you and the family because their jobs take a huge toll on their life, usually doesn’t pay well and could be gone within seconds.Barbara Ehrenreich of Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America takes on the challenge to prove how tough adults actually work to keep all the nice things through imagery, diction, and tone. Barbara Ehrenreich a common wealthy lad starts off the challenge in Key West, Florida where she actually lives and uses imagery to describe her expressions. She feels anxious about the idea and fears that someone will recognize her in â€Å"disguise† but she attempts to find a place to live.She estimates that if she makes $7 an hour she could afford a $500 rent and ends up living in a â€Å"cabin† in the â€Å"swampy backyard† where her landlord lives with his girlfriend. Her next step is to look for applications fit for her ideal job which involves â€Å"†¦certain supermarket jobs, such as deli clerk, or housekeeping in the hotels and guest houses†¦Ã¢â‚¬  which uses a strong detailed diction. She then gets dolled up and within 3-4 days of no calls, decides to try out to be a waitress and immediately interviews her, ending with â€Å"When can you work? and informing her about the uniform for Hearthside which was just a matter of â€Å"being in the right time at the right time†. While entering Hearthside, she hears â€Å"Fuck this Shit! † and Gail, a co-work who trains Barbara, comes to her rescue and explains, â€Å"That’s just Billy†, â€Å"[He’s on the rag again]-a condition occasioned, in this instance, by the fact that the cook on the morning shift had forgotten to thaw out the steaks. †, and gets back to â€Å"running-around† and taking orders. Hearthside only pays $2. 3 an hour plus tips and the employee service isn’t the best but she still manages to hang in there for quite a while. Within a couple of weeks, Barbara realizes that she doesn’t have enough money to pay for the next rent and decides looking for a second job. She gets hired at â€Å"Jerry’s† which she describes by using a sarcastic tone, â€Å"Picture a fat person’s Hell, and I don’t mean a place with no food. †, but what she really means is a gross, sticky place forcing the employers to walk â€Å"like Susan McDougal in leg irons. , with absolutely no time to be sitting un less in the bathroom, with a rude management â€Å"†¦whose contribution is to stand by the kitchen counter and yell†¦ †. Barbara quits Hearthside and becomes a part-time employee at Jerry’s due to the better pay. Finally she quit Jerry’s because she couldn’t handle all the raucous being held and moved on to land her â€Å"dream job† as a housekeeper. Barbara implies that getting your â€Å"dream-life† that you’ve planned out since you were in high school doesn’t always work out.You might have to quit a job to focus more on school or an activity or might have to find a second job to keep up with the rent. So now that you some-what understand how tough the â€Å"real-world† is hopefully you’ll become more appreciative towards things. Part Three: Book Review I really enjoyed reading this book because I felt it really applied to me and my future. It helped me unlock new thoughts about jobs I might want to co nsider due to whom will pay better, working environments, and physical effects.She does mention different jobs she did take and the struggles she heard/learned about from her fellow co-workers Annette and Tina, as mentioned on page 26, â€Å"Annette, a twenty-year-old server who is six months pregnant and abandoned by her boyfriend, lives with her mother, a postal clerk. † and â€Å"Tina, another server, and her husband are paying $60 a night for a room in the Days Inn. This is because they have no car†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . I also really enjoyed the fact that Ehrenreich went out and tried to live a â€Å"normal† working class life because it will soon apply to me and gives me a better deal of how to balance and handle jobs.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Young Adulthood

OT121: Lifespan Development and Occupation II University of the Philippines Manila | College of Allied Medical Professions Department of Occupational Therapy | Block 21 – Occupational Therapy SS 2012 – 2013 Young Adulthood Ms. Faith Deanne Mari B. Caube 16 January 2013 YOUNG ADULTHOOD ? ?Age Range: 20 – 40 years old Difference of development o Changes due more to personal, social, cultural events rather than chronological or biological changes o Hallmark of maturity – adapt and change in accordance to new conditions o More gradual changes –> does not fit neatly into a stage development theory o The primary meaning of adult is social (Rice, 1995). ? Changes are attributed to social factors and relationships o Marked by culturally defined milestones, and by roles and relationships that are part of cycles of family and career (Craig, 1996) ? The relationships that you will build during this stage are relatively permanent. The Age Clock ? Used to define or judge behaviors, expectations, and pressures of adulthood ? Motherhood ? Physically- dependent jobs ? They may consider themselves old because they are no longer fit to do previous easy tasks. Definitions of Age o Biological age – life expectancy o Psychological age – adaptation to environmental demands o Social age – in comparison to cultural norms Maturity o Needs a certain social and biological factors o More dependent on psychological factors ? Physical and social independence and autonomy ? Independent decision making ? Stability ? Wisdom ? Reliability ?Integrity ? Compassion o Maturity is the psychological ability to work and to love (Freud). PHYSICAL CHANGES ? Physical status o Peak of vitality, health, strength, energy, and endurance ? 25 years old is the prime in terms of strength. All motor systems are at peak during this age. ? Dispatch the young to do battle. OT 121: Lifespan Development and Occupation II Young Adulthood ? ? ? Peak of sensorimoto r skills ? 25 – 30: peak of physical conditioning, strength, motor skills, organ functioning ? 20 -40: peak of visual acuity ? 20 -45: peak of taste, smell, temperature, and pain sensation ?Gradual hearing loss (more apparent after 25; particularly with high pitched sounds) o Most physical decline occurs after 30s (10% loss until 60s) Fitness and health o Generally healthy age period o Health patterns established in young adulthood are generally resistant to change ? Adolescence is a storming period of change but when one enters young adulthood, it is expected that one? s biological systems are already stabilized. Common Illnesses due to occupational hazards o Chronic back pain – by overworking selves and the effect of stress o Respiratory illnesses o Premenstrual syndrome o Sexually transmitted diseases ?Highest among young adults and adolescence ? Due to poverty, drug use and risky sexual activity o HIV – 40 million people infected worldwide, 95% from developi ng world ? Males – lead cause of death ? Females – 4th cause of death Common Causes of Death o 3 causes that account for 72% in the early 20s and 51% among 25 – 34 year olds ? Accidents ? Homicide ? Suicide o AIDS – single leading cause of death in males aged 25-44 o YA has the lowest death rate among adult groups However, in the entire adult lifespan, young adults have the lowest death rate. oMORBIDITY o Defined as the occurrence of illness o Symptoms often appear in YA ? Genetically-determined diseases (diabetes, sickle cell anemia) (hypertension, ulcers, ? Stress-linked depression) Page 1 BLANCO | MARIANO | QUEMADO | VILLON ? Factors Linked to Health Status o Genetic factors ? However, if purely genetics, it should be seen early (right after birth) ? Multi-factorial diseases (genetics and environmental) ? Diabetes ? Atherosclerosis (narrowing of vessels due to fat planks) ? Obesity ? Cancer health conditions ? Mental predisposed to come out during YA s uch as schizophrenia o Health threatening behaviors ?Nutrition and cholesterol ? You are what you eat ? Carotenoid-rich diet – lesser chance of heart disease ? Plant-based diet – reduction of cancer risk ? High-fat diet ? Colon and prostate cancer ? Increased cardiovascular risks ? Obesity ? Measured using body mass index 2 ? BMI: Kg/m If BMI >25, overweight If BMI>30, obese ? World-wide epidemic (WHO, 2001) ? Why? – Fast food culture – Labor saving technology – Genetic tendency: leptin response insufficiency – Leptin tells the brain that one is already full – Some clinically obese may not respond to leptin anymore ?May lead to emotional problems and other diseases ? Physical activity ? Sedentary lifestyle is one of world's 10 leading causes of death and disability ? Smoking ? Leading preventable cause of death in US ? Smoking and cancer ? Alcohol ? College is prime time and place for drinking (Papalia, et al. , 2004) cause poor acade mic ? Can performance ? Can increase other risks for other diseases ? Alcohol in moderation can decrease the risk of heart diseases in the long run (i. e. red wine). ? Drug use ? Peak at 18 to 20 years old ?Decreases as adults increase in maturity, settle down and take responsibility o Marijuana and cocaine use can lead to memory loss, attention deficits, cognitive deficits, and in some cases death Indirect influences on health status ? Socioeconomic status ? Income ? Education ? Higher socio-economic status and education generally lead to less exposure to health hazards ? Gender ? Relationship ? Social ties ? Emotional support ? Marriage ? Strong social environment leads to less risks in psychological illnesses. ? ? ?Healthy Habits o Sleeping regularly for 7-8 hours each night o Eating regular meals o Not snacking o Eating and exercising moderately o Not smoking o Drinking in moderation Preventive Measures o Regular screening test o Self examination o Proper body mechanics o Ergono mics SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL CHANGES ? Theories on Social and Emotional Issues of Young Adults o Normative-stage model Erikson: personality changes ? Erik throughout life ? Development follows basic sequence of age-related social and emotional changes ? Normative events – happens to all people of certain age ?Changes are attributed to age/biology alone o Timing of events model ? Development depends on the occurrence of certain events ? Events that happens off-time (losing a job, unplanned pregnancy) ? Events that do not occur (singlehood, inability to have a child) ? If on time – smooth development ? If not – stress would occur ? Factors affecting response on events ? Anticipation and preparation ? Cognitive understanding ? Health ? Personality ? Life history ? Support systems ? Personality, support system and understanding play a big role on how one deals with unexpected events o Erik Erikson's Stages th ?Intimacy versus Isolation: 6 stage Page 2 BLANCO | MARIANO | QUEMADO | VILLON OT 121: Lifespan Development and Occupation II Young Adulthood o o Deep personal commitments to others ? If one does not reach intimacy, one may become selfabsorbed. ? Isolation for self-reflection ? Sacrifice and compromise are needed in a relationship ? YA with strong sense of self are: ? Ready to fuse their identity with another ? â€Å"True Genitality† – mutual orgasm in a loving heterosexual relationship ? Resolution of this stage = LOVE ? The perils of not fulfilling the natural procreative urge. The notion that singles are dysfunctional. George Vaillant's Adaptation Theory ? Persons change and develop through their lives ? Persons? lives are influenced by quality of relationships with others and not by isolated traumatic events ? The level of mental health influences adaptation to life situations ? Typical pattern ? Men in 20s – dominated by parents ? Men in 20s and 30s – age of establishment; autonomy, marriage, children, deepen ed friendship ? Men in 23-35s- age of consolidation; doing what needs to be done ? Men in 40s – age of transition, questioning commitments, soulsearching or midlife crisis ?Four Adaptive Mechanisms ? Mature – humor, helping others, being altruistic psyschosomatic ? Immature symptoms (i. e. no physical reason but feels pain) ? Psychotic – distorting or denying reality ? Neurotic – developing irrational fears (i. e. developing anxiety) Daniel Levinson? s Life Structure Theory ? Evolving life structure ? Underlying pattern or design of a person at a given time ? Phases with tasks and accomplishments ? Has transitional phases for reflection in between ? 17-33: Entry Phase of YA ? Build first provisional life structure and emotional ? Financial independence ?Dream of future achievement ? Age 30 Transition ? Reevaluate entry life structure ? 30 onwards : Culminating Phase ? Settles down ? Set goals that are time bound ? ? ? Anchors life Transition ? Period of p reparation to enter the adult world ? Disequilibrium comes due to many choices an adult has to make ? Periods of stability and instability ? Response depends on self-definition ? Awareness of strengths and weaknesses ? Purpose ? From adolescent to adult ? Taking responsibility for one's self ? Making own decisions ? Redefining relationships with parents negotiation of ? Complete autonomy ?Independence ? Emotional Independence free from parental dependence, one can make decisions on their own ? Attitudinal Independence hold own beliefs, depends on strength of personality ? Functional Independence support self ? Conflictual Independence guiltless feeling about separation with parents ? From student to worker ? Works defines daily schedule, social contacts and opportunities for personal development ? During YA, work defines who you are. relationship ? Reciprocal between substantive complexity of work to a person's flexibility in coping with cognitive demands ?From living with parents t o living alone (culture bound) ? Moving from family of origin to family of procreation ? Taking over day to day problems and financial support ? Relationships ? Seek emotional and physical intimacy ? Erikson: crucial task of adulthood ? Important to do Self-disclosure – revealing important information about oneself to another ? Skills needed: ? Self-awareness ? Empathy ? Ability to communicate emotions ? Sexual decision-making ? Conflict resolution ? Ability to sustain commitments OT 121: Lifespan Development and Occupation II Young Adulthood Page 3 BLANCO | MARIANO | QUEMADO | VILLON The nature of intimacy ? May not include sexual contact ? Invokes a sense of belonging, emotional connection ? The need to form strong, stable, close caring relationship is a powerful motivator of human behavior (Papalia, et al. , 2004) ? The strongest emotions are invoked by intimate relationships. (Both good and bad: you bring out the best [and worst] in me) ? Need responsiveness to each other 's needs, mutual acceptance, and respect ? Sternberg's Triangular Theory of Love ? INTIMACY, PASSION, COMMITMENT – these 3 elements need to be present to form a real consummate relationship ?When you a love someone, you have to keep a PIC ? INTIMACY – Emotional element – Self disclosure –> connection, warmth and trust ? PASSION – Motivational element – Inner drive ? physiological arousal into desire. Cannot be controlled as it is a response of sensory physiological functions ? COMMITMENT – Cognitive element – Decision to love and to stay with the beloved  ¦ Patterns of Loving TYPE I P C Nonlove (interpersonal relationships) Liking  ¦ Infatuation („love at first  ¦ sight†) Empty Love (long term  ¦ relationship that lost intimacy and passion/arranged marriages)Romantic Love  ¦  ¦ Companionate Love (long  ¦  ¦ term, committed friendship in marriage with diminished physical attraction) Fatuous Love (whir lwind  ¦  ¦ courtship) Consumate Love  ¦  ¦  ¦ ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Dating Practices of Filipino YA o Can start as early as 12 years of age (Medina, 1991) o Non-traditional practices: ? Speed dating ? Females paying for own share ? Open relationships ? Internet/other virtual context Gay relationship o Seeking love, companionship and sexual fulfillment through a relationship with a person of same sex Lesbians are more likely to have stable monoganous relationships than gay men. Gay and lesbian partners living together tend to be committed as married couples o Issues with custody, adoption, taxation, insurance and societal acceptance still exist Filipinos and Gay Relationship o Christian values and social norms view it as a â€Å"sin† (unnatural or immoral) to engage in a gay relationship o Greater scorn in low-middle classes o May never have complete â€Å"coming out† due to pressure from society and family Marriage o ‘best way† to ensure orderly raising a children o Provides intimacy, commitment, friendship, affection sexual fulfillment, companionship, emotional growth, and new sources of identity and self-esteem Adjusting to Becoming a Spouse or Partner o Making joint decisions o Pooling of income o Living together ? Tests the relationships as the little that may annoy the partner are revealed. o Adjusting to each other's families o Taking on roles as husband and wife o Meeting each other's expectations Role of Extended Family among Married Filipino YAs o Serve as support systems o Older relatives as advisers o Younger relatives as companions (if couples are not yet going to have children) Divorce and Separation o In the Philippines, annulment -> legal separation, but one is not allowed to get married in the church again. It takes a long time before annulment is granted. Cohabitation before marriage, having divorced parents, bearing a child before marriage, having no child or having stepchildren are predictive whether a couple wil l end up separated or not o Reasons for divorce ? Incompatibility ? Lack of emotional support ? lack of career support ? Spousal abuse ? Mismatch of expectations o Effects of Divorce ? Income (no support, source of stress) ? Problems with identity and loneliness ? Anger and hostility ? Depression, alcoholism, sleep disorders, breakdown of immune system ? For the father, divorce can mean fewer rights to children, decline of income (support), less emotional support, negative impact on career o Divorce and Children ? Effects of divorce depend on ? Age ? Sex ? Nature of relationship with custodial parent Page 4 BLANCO | MARIANO | QUEMADO | VILLON oOT 121: Lifespan Development and Occupation II Young Adulthood ? ? ? ? Divorce in the Philippines ? Divorce is not acknowledged in the Philippines ? Cultural and religious influences affect acceptance of the practice ? Legal separation and annulment legal (Family Code of the Philippines, Executive Order 209) but costly and frowned upon ? House bill 1799, â€Å"An Act Introducing Divorce in the Philippines† filed July 27, 2010 The single life o Social pressure to marry o More freedom to take risks in life and make choices o Haven? t found the „right one? o Advantages ? Decisions about self o Disadvantages ? Loneliness and solitude ? Social risks ? Economic risks – no work, no money ?Physical risks – depression, breakdown of immune system Cohabitation o Unmarried couple in a sexual relationship in a consensual or informal union (living together) o Substitute for marriage/trial marriage o Partners may miss out on economic, psychological, and health benefits of marriage which has ? Long term commitment and security ? Greater sharing of resources ? Stronger community connection o Advantages ? Getting to know each other ? Understanding intimate relationships ? Clarifying what you want earlier o Disadvantages ? Social stigma ? Over involvement (isolation from friends) ? Sexual risks ? Perceived loss o f identity ? Over dependence ? Discomfort on ambiguity of situation ? Distance from friends o Cohabitation in Philippines ? 2. million Filipinos cohabiting (NSO, 2000), 18% of which between 20-24 years old ? 35% agree that live in arrangements are acceptable for couples intending to marry, 20% for couples do not ? 36% decide to cohabit because of economic reasons, 23% because of pregnancy, 15% as a â€Å"dry run,† 13% too young to marry, 3% not allowed to be married by parents, 2% lacking necessary documents Expression of sexuality o Decision to lead lifestyle o To marry and have a child o Engage in premarital sex o Showing who you are and how you relate to others in a manner of dress, roles fulfilled and preference for partner Sex, Homosexuality and Bisexuality in Philippines o Cultural and religious values still a major influence o ? ? ? ?Increasing tolerance compared to previous years, though limited to certain groups o â€Å"Private† practices in order to avoid dis crimination from society o Continued use of derogatory terms Parenthood o Change from traditional family in western industrial families o Trend to have less children and bear them later in life ? Increased maturity and commitment ? Decreased economic advantage of having large family ? Overpopulation and hunger in developing countries o Becoming parents ? Changes in identity and inner life ? Shifts in roles and relationships within marriage ? Changing roles and relationships outside of family (female and work) ? New parenting roles and relationships ? Shifting in previous mindset that fathers are breadwinners and mothers the primary caregivers ? Having a baby can affect marital satisfaction ?Less satisfaction when pregnancy is planned involvement means ? Increased increased satisfaction ? Low self-rating as parents decreased satisfaction o Stages of Parenting ? Image-making Stage (conception to birth) – creating images of self as parents ? Nurturing Stage (birth to 2 years) ) attachment of baby, balancing needs of child with emotional commitment and time spent with significant others ? Authority Stage (2 to 5 years) – examining type of parent one has become and will be ? Interpretative Stage (6 to 11 years) – reexamining and testing long-held theories ? Interdependence Stage (12 to 18 years) – re-asserting self as authority, competing and comparing self with children ?Departure Stage (leaving home) – taking stock of performance as a parent Having Children o marriage? s ultimate fulfillment (Papalia & Olds, 1995) o children give companionship, love and happiness o provide emotional and financial support in later years o psychological value for success to parents o give meaning to life Remaining Childless o Financial burden of raising a child o Fears if becoming less attractive or changing relationship with spouse o Enjoying freedom to travel and make decisions o Concentrating on careers or causes o Worries on being a parent Sin gle parenthood o Exhausting, continual struggle Page 5 BLANCO | MARIANO | QUEMADO | VILLON o OT 121: Lifespan Development and Occupation II Young Adulthood o o o o oOnly one of the two parents is present, may include spouses of OFWs Less financially secure than when with a partner Difficulty coping with demands and making decisions Balancing work and raising a child Extended families provide invaluable support ? ? Adult Friendships o Single young adults have more friends than of middle-aged and older adults o YA seek friendships for social stimulation and new info; later on in life will value friendships that are long-lasting and equitable o Socio-emotional selectivity theory ? Greater emphasis on fulfilling own emotional needs ? â€Å"Limited time left to live† o Center on work, parenting activities, and sharing of confidence and advice o Varying quality of friendships ? Intimate and supportive ? Frequent conlfict ? Common interests ? Lifelong or fleeting COGNITIVE CHANGES o Piaget's Cognitive Stage ? Formal operational thinking ? Introspection ?Abstract thinking ? Logical thinking ? Hypothetical thinking o Information Pocessing Skills ? Vocabulary: declines after 59; related more to educational level rather than age ? Sentence comprehension: deteriorates at 60 but may be attributed to hearing acuity ? Prose comprehension: young better than old ? Better at understanding short prose passages ? Better at remembering short prose passages ? Indication of capacity of working memory Memory ? ? Primary (short term/working memory) ? Secondary) ? Episodic (events, how things happened) ? Semantic (facts) (left when amnesia strikes in) ? Procedural (how-to) Creativity ? ? Break from procedural thinking ?Problem solving that produces novel solutions ? Increase steeply from 20s to late 30s to early 40s before gradually declining ? Historians/scholars: peak in the 60s and decline after ? Scientists: peak in 40s, decline in 70s ? Artists: peak in 30s to 40s and decli ne steeply after ? Differences within fields: poets before novelists, mathematicians before scientists o Trends in cognitive capacities ? Information processing at its peak OT 121: Lifespan Development and Occupation II Young Adulthood o o Better education suggests better chance of further increasing IQ in adulthood ? Type of course/interest/expertise can affect which skills are honed ? Skills frequently used are maintained ?Judgment and reasoning continue to develop throughout life Beyond Formal Operation Thought Draws on intuition and emotion and logic Experience and nuanced thinking Capacity to deal with uncertainty, inconsistency, contradiction, and compromise Born of experience and years of dealing with different situations Postformal thought Problem Finding Stage ? Raising questions from problems ? Involves dialectical thinking (accepting contradictions, exposure to both sides of problem) and wisdom (pragmatic knowledge acquired through time) ? Seeing shades of gray ? Transcen d a single logical system ? Reconcile conflicting ideas Post Formal Thought ? ? Shifting gears – â€Å"this might work on paper but not in real life† ? Multiple causality, multiple solutions – â€Å"let? s try it your way; if it doesn? t work, let? s try it my way† ? Compromise, there are more than 1 solution most of the time ? Pragmatism – â€Å"if you want the most practical solution, do this; the fastest, do that† ?Awareness of paradox – â€Å"doing this will give him what he wants, but it will only make him unhappy in the end† ? Know the consequences of the actions and the eventual implications that may be opposite to what was expected would happen Schaie's Stages of Adult Cognitive Development Achieving stage (late teens to early 20s-30s) ? ? Knowledge for independence and competence ? Using what one knows to pursue goals (career, family) Responsible stage (late 30s to early 60s) ? ? Using what one knows to solve practical problems associated with responsibilities to others (family members, employees) ? For long-range goals Sternberg's Triarchich Theory of Intelligence o Componential (analytic) ? How efficiently one processes information ?Knowledge on how to solve problems, monitor solutions, evaluate results o Experiential (insightful/creative) ? How people approach novel or familiar tasks ? Knowledge on how to compare new information with old and integrate this information in the palanner o Contextual /Practical ? How people deal with the environment Page 6 BLANCO | MARIANO | QUEMADO | VILLON ? ? ? Knowledge on how to look at a situation and decide how to look to move forward/get over with it. Involves tacit knowledge (inside information) Self-management Management of task Management of others Studies imply that componential intelligence grow until midlife. ? MORAL CHANGES Kohlberg's Stages of Moral Development ? o Postconventional Morality ?Stage 5: Morality of Contract, Individual Rights, and Dem ocratically Accepted Law ? Stage 6: Morality of Individual Principles of Conscience ? â€Å"What is right is what gives justice and is right for all individuals† Morality in YA ? o Cognitive awareness if principles comes in adolescence but commitment happens in adulthood o Growth influenced by: ? Encountering conflicting values away from home ? Being responsible for others Moral reasoning ? Stage 5 ? o Social contract where rules must be obtained through democratic consensus for will or majority and maximizing social welfare o Understanding of underlying purpose of law o Calls for change in a law that compromises basic rights Stage 6 ? Defines right and wrong on basis of selfgenerated principles that are broad and universal in application o Moral musical chairs as it depends on every situation, every context o Discovers through reflection Stage 7 ? o â€Å"Why be moral? † o Post-Kohlberg theorists o Equated to concept of self-transcendence o Achievement of cosmic persp ective (i. e. nirvana) Sample Situation: There was a woman who had very bad cancer, and there was no treatment known to medicine that would save her. Her doctor, Dr. Jefferson knew that she only had 6 months to live. She was in terrible pain, but she was so weak that a good dose of pain killer like ether or morphine would make her die sooner. She was delirious and almost crazy with pain, and in her calm periods, she would ask Dr. Jefferson to give her ether to kill her.She said she couldn? t stand the pain and she was going to die in a few months anyway. Although he knows mercy killing is against the law, the doctor thinks about granting her request. ? Stage 5: Yes, give her the drug o Although most of our laws have a sound basis in moral principle, laws against mercy killing do not. The doctor? s act is morally justified because it relieves the suffering of OT 121: Lifespan Development and Occupation II Young Adulthood ? ? the woman without harming other people. Yet he still must b e held legally accountable because society would be damaged if everyone simply ignored laws they do not agree with. Stage 5: No don? give her the drug o The laws against mercy killing protect citizens from harm at the hands of unscrupulous doctors and selfish relatives and should be upheld because they serve a positive function for society. If laws were to be changed through the democratic process, that might be another thing. But right now the doctor can do the most good for society by adhering to them. Stage 6: Yes, give her the drug o We must consider the effects of this act on everyone concerned – the doctor, the dying woman, other terminally ill people and all people everywhere. Basic moral principle dictates that all moral people have a right to dignity and self-determination as long as others are not harmed by their decisions. Assuming no one else will be hurt, she has a right to live or die as she chooses.The doctor may be doing right if he respects her integrity as a person and saves her, her family, and all of society from needless suffering. Stage 6: No, don? t give her the drug o If we truly adhere to the principle that human life should be valued above all else and all lives should be valued equally, it is morally wrong to â€Å"play God† and decide that some lives are worth living and others are not. Before long, we would have a world in which life has no value. CAREER CHANGES Selection of career path ? o Depends on: ? Interests, abilities, and personality ? Responsibilities ? Educational level ? Gender ? Social class ? Proximity to workplace ? Luck ? Parental attitudes o Continues from an adolescent's search for vocal identity, influenced by increasing realism ?YA gives you a perspective of what you can achieve, the only question is how to achieve it o Taking on increasing responsibilities o Entering college/getting specialized education o Getting work experience Entering the workforce ? o Reality shock ? Expectations clashing with reality ? Source of frustration and anger o Growth of competence and autonomy ? Positive role of mentors ? Independence and surpassing mentors o Growth of loyalty and commitment ? Maintaining excitement and commitment essential to mature satisfaction Page 7 BLANCO | MARIANO | QUEMADO | VILLON ? ? ? ? ? Identifying with occupation, employer, industry Gender-Based Adjustment o Males ? Roles they want to play ? Use of their abilities and training ?Authority ? Pay raises ? Job transfers o Female ? Use of their abilities, expectation, training ? Feeling of being in a dead end job because more opportunities for promotion are given to males ? Being stereotyped Factors that Affect career decisions o Work options/types o Changes in work skill demands (technology) o Flexibility of working time (home responsibilities) o Preparation for a specific job o Sexual stereotypes o Labeling of occupations o Security (permanent vs seasonal jobs) o Career goals o Personal values and expectations Job Sat isfaction o Intrinsic factors ? Work challenge (bored or challenged? ) ? Interest ? Work competence ? AchievementIntrinsic factors are the concern of ? YA. o Extrinsic factors ? Salary ? Status/position ? Comfort of environment ? Work hours ? Supervision and employment practices ? Attitudes and support of colleagues ? Opportunities for advancement -; concern form late YA and MA Other issues o Stress from work o Personal needs o Stimulation from work o Security o Actual work conditions Occupational Hazards o Depends on type of work o Stress ? Excessive work demands -; subjective ? Little to no control of work method/areas o Danger of dissatisfaction which leads to low motivation, trouble-making behaviors and hostility ? Which may lead to unemployment ? ? ? Degree of marital satisfaction ? Materialism ? Physical competitiveness ? o Mid30s to 40s (â€Å"midlife†) ? Affected by prominent physiologic changes ? Restricted activities Common Leisure Activities o Outdoor recreation o Parties/social activities o Sports and hobbies o Watching television o Arts and culture o Travel Factors that affect choice of leisure o Work o Finances o Health and mobility o Family and friends o Time o Community o Exercise Benefits of Leisure to YA o Dealing with stress o Providing social outlet o Maintaining health and wellness o Self-development -; not be confined with work LEISURE CHANGES o 20s ? ? ? ? o 30s ? ?New interests New acquaintances Strong physical component Intensive social mixing Affected by the decline of: Social life FILIPINO CUSTOMS, BELIEFS, and EXPECTATIONS o Use of â€Å"tabo†/ dipper o Filipino value system/pamantayan ? Halaga (evaluative): right or wrong ? Diwa (spiritual): sacred or profane, strong or weak ? Asal (expressive): good or bad o Ideal behavior for Filipinos would revolve around ? Industriousness ? Perseverance ? Patience ? Self-control o Kinship ? Child is central in linking people together Status as parent when child is born to ? them S tatus as grandparent when their ? children bear offspring ? Results in deep emotional attachment to parents, particularly mothers ?Marriage brings together two sets of kin and is sacred, special relationship ? Adoption as means of helping less fortunate relatives, and fulfillment of moral responsibility of married couples o Good reputation ? Emphasis on puri (personal honor or chastity) ? Clash of traditional values with Western values and practices ? Premarital and extramarital sex ? Emphasis on taking care of family's name o Ideal spouses ? Husband Good provider ? Good-natured ? Not cruel ? Hard and dedicated worker ? Page 8 BLANCO | MARIANO | QUEMADO | VILLON OT 121: Lifespan Development and Occupation II Young Adulthood o Not a drunkard Wife Good housekeeper ? Not quarrelsome ? Frugal and efficient manager ? Not lazy ? Sexually faithful ?Courtship in the Philippines ? Traditions include the following: Visiting the female at her home ? Having a chaperon at all times ? Serenading ? Serving in the house of the female ? ? ? o ? More freedom in current times Marriage Customs and Beliefs ? Siblings must not get married within the same year as it brings misfortune and difficulties ? Necessary to postpone wedding after a death in the family ? Ceremonies in nuptial mass Wedding paraphernalia which ? falls/touches the floor is bad luck Significance of lighting candle, veil, ? and cord OT 121: Lifespan Development and Occupation II Young Adulthood Page 9 BLANCO | MARIANO | QUEMADO | VILLON